The term "crypto unicorn" typically referred to cryptocurrency and blockchain companies with a valuation of over $1 billion

Top 5 Crypto Unicorn Companies

One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges globally, Coinbase had a valuation well above $1 billion and was known for its user-friendly platform for buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrencies.

1. Coinbase

Binance is another major cryptocurrency exchange that offers a wide range of trading services and financial products. It had a significant market presence and valuation.

2. Binance

Kraken, known for its strong security measures, was one of the oldest and most respected cryptocurrency exchanges, with a valuation exceeding $1 billion.

3. Kraken

Bitmain, a Chinese company, was a major player in the cryptocurrency mining hardware industry. It was valued at over $1 billion due to its dominant position in the market.

4. Bitmain

Ripple was known for its digital payment protocol and cryptocurrency XRP. It had a valuation above $1 billion and aimed to facilitate cross-border payments.

5.Ripple (now known as XRP Labs)