3 Reasons Why Your Retirement Savings Are Safe With Crypto

3 Reasons Why Your Retirement Savings Are Safe With Crypto

September 14, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
Personal financial stress is at an all-time high. According to recent research, more than three-quarters of Americans worry about their financial status. This is sowing the seeds of risk aversion and raising concerns about the security of long-term resources, such as retirement savings. That shouldn’t, however, entail stowing cash under the floorboards. Furthermore, it shouldn’t
3 Reasons Why Your Retirement Savings Are Safe With Crypto

Personal financial stress is at an all-time high. According to recent research, more than three-quarters of Americans worry about their financial status. This is sowing the seeds of risk aversion and raising concerns about the security of long-term resources, such as retirement savings.

That shouldn’t, however, entail stowing cash under the floorboards. Furthermore, it shouldn’t always entail turning over control to a low-growth pension fund, which will likely lose value given the current inflation rates. It involves evaluating all available possibilities more carefully and diversifying. And that calls for liberty.

The Financial Freedom Act, which would allow all Americans with self-directed retirement plans to add bitcoin to their 401(k)s — a defined-contribution, personal pension accounts — was sponsored by Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R) in May with that goal in mind. It was brought on by a regulatory directive issued by the U.S. Department of Labor in March that sought to prevent 401(k) accounts from making cryptocurrency investments.

The notion that freedom is the adversary of stability is all too common, yet fear is the true foe of strength. And that’s precisely what the caginess of the American government toward alternative assets is causing. Many media outlets have jumped on the anti-crypto bandwagon as well. The coverage of Fidelity’s statement that they would soon allow participants to put up to 20% of their employer-sponsored 401(k) retirement plan in Bitcoin is overwhelmingly negative, or at the very least skeptical, according to a simple Google search.

Due to misconceptions around the Terra ecosystem collapse in May, many people have been further discouraged from including risky assets like cryptocurrencies in their pension portfolios. They don’t intend to purchase a boat or a seat on Elon Musk’s Starship, but most people merely want the option to retire comfortably. They are concerned that digital assets won’t offer the security and consistent returns they wish to amass a substantial retirement saving nest egg.

Wisdom does not always come with age.

While it’s always a good idea to proceed with caution when dealing with cryptocurrencies, fully discouraging people from including digital assets in their retirement portfolios is risky in and of itself. People are being prevented from using what might be the answer to a failing system and inflation that is eroding pensions.

Because, in reality, continuing in the old ways isn’t a sure thing either. Traditional pension plans are having trouble. Due to rising inflation and a volatile U.S. stock market, all but 12 of America’s top 100 401(k) funds have experienced double-digit losses thus far this year. Inflation declined the purchasing power of money at the same time as interest rates stay absurdly low.

Even the real estate market is not specific. Many people speculate about a housing bubble due to factors like Chinese real estate mogul Evergrande’s impending default. For younger generations, owning a home is becoming more and more of an unrealistic goal.

Thus, it becomes evident that those seeking future-proof retirement savings cannot stick solely to antiquated practices, such as using old banking systems and traditional financial products.

Retirement planning is becoming possible with the help of cryptocurrencies.

It is no longer “transitory” inflation as it hits a 40-year peak in the United States. Aside from climate change, instability is also becoming a semi-permanent fixture due to the upheaval caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and other factors. People should be allowed to cast their bets wherever they see fit, including in their retirement plans, since nobody can predict the future, not even pension funds.

For instance, stablecoins can be a wise supplement to a 401(k) (k). It only requires choosing the best sort, one that can protect assets from loss due to inflation. Due to a lack of independent asset backing, Terra was inherently susceptible to speculative attacks as an algorithmic stablecoin. On the other hand, stablecoins backed by tangible assets like gold have immense promise as tools for wealth preservation.

Economic crises have often been better handled by gold than by stocks, bonds, and fiat money. For instance, in 2021, while the pandemic caused fiat currencies all over the world to become unstable, the price of gold remained stable between $1,700 and $1,950 per ounce, demonstrating both its worth and stability.

In the years following the end of the gold standard, gold’s value has soared by more than 500 percent, and central banks have ensured that their reserves are consistently significant. However, it is only now that gold has become digitalized and immensely more accessible, making it simpler to purchase small amounts and conduct transactions with it. According to economist Danielle Di Martino, gold has historically had the lowest correlation with inflation of any asset class. Gold has maintained a positive link with rising inflation rates beyond merely neutralizing its impacts; during the past 50 years, it has averaged a yearly performance of +10.6%. Gold consistently outperforms stock markets, especially during severe volatility and imperfect markets.

Also, read – What are inflationary cryptocurrencies and deflationary cryptocurrencies?

Governments have a responsibility to promote our economic recovery.

Let’s be honest. Retirement is a frightening proposition, made more so as it gets harder to find protection, growth, and liquidity in the economy. Americans are justified to have a conservative mindset when looking down the road toward an increasingly remote possibility. But they must adopt a traditional way of thinking that welcomes the future.

The best of both worlds may be found in digital gold investments, which combine the historical stability of traditional currencies with the adaptability and autonomy of decentralized, blockchain-based digital currencies. This is the ideal “future conservative” decision.

Governments must acknowledge the promise of these assets and, rather than restricting investor choices or frightening them into being resistant to change, they should support more openness and cross-border oversight, giving investors the security they need to become financially independent.

Alternative assets are becoming more prevalent in the global economy. Wealth in retirement cannot be an exception to this rule. With inflation already eroding their hard-earned savings, people cannot afford to eliminate alternative assets from their retirement plans. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their finances and look for better, more secure, and more equitable alternatives to the current system.