3 Threats Giving Metaverse A Reality Check

3 Threats Giving Metaverse A Reality Check

Metaverse News
October 6, 2022 by Diana Ambolis
Comparatively, discussing the meaning of “the internet” in the context of the 1990s and “the metaverse” in the context of the present is similar to discussing the definition of “the metaverse.” when the term “Internet” was first introduced in the 1990s, many people were unfamiliar with its meaning and confused about how to use it.
Key Distinctions Between The Metaverse And Virtual Reality

Comparatively, discussing the meaning of “the internet” in the context of the 1990s and “the metaverse” in the context of the present is similar to discussing the definition of “the metaverse.” when the term “Internet” was first introduced in the 1990s, many people were unfamiliar with its meaning and confused about how to use it. Despite this, it was quickly hailed as the “next big thing” in technology owing to its profound impact on our lives. The Internet has significantly altered how we work, learn, and engage socially. This may be beneficial or detrimental. Now the issue is, what exactly is the metaverse, and how will it impact our lives?

What is meant by the term “metaverse”?

The concept of a “metaverse” has existed for quite some time. Neal Stephenson, the author of the 1992 novel Snow Crash, is credited with coining this term for the first time. When Facebook changed its name to Meta in October 2021, it ignited a fresh wave of criticism. Many individuals were left feeling torn and intrigued after seeing the film. This time around, though, the tone is more documentary or factual. Mark Zuckerberg’s promotional video for the metaverse presents the metaverse as offering the potential of a digital universe in which we, as avatars, traverse a three-dimensional digital landscape in which everything is visible. While wearing virtual reality (VR) goggles, one may expect to be able to check into work, shop, hang out with other megafriends, and attend virtual concerts.

Facebook is not the only corporation engaging in the metaverse. Microsoft has created a new service called Mesh that employs mixed-reality technology. This technology allows employees to electronically cooperate in response to the Covid-19 epidemic. Since then, several companies, including Roblox, Nvidia, and Unity, have followed the leader’s example by investing more in the infrastructure required to bring the technology to consumers and businesses.

The introduction of the metaverse has not been received with equal enthusiasm by all users. It should not come as a surprise that several detractors and sceptics exist. The Executive Officer of Take-Chief Two was one of the persons under question. He has some qualms regarding the idea that buyers do not seek the metaverse. According to Zelnick, it is unlikely that we will get up in the morning, sit at home with headphones on, and do all of our daily tasks in this manner. During the outbreak, we were compelled to do this chore, which we dislike. The inventor of the PlayStation, Ken Kutaragi, was the first to point out that the headphones being used would be inconvenient and characterized them as “simply unpleasant.”

In a recent interview, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, alluded to the notion of the metaverse by declaring, “Sure you can put a TV on your nose. It is unknown if this lands you in the metaverse. Musk seems uninterested in the notion that someone would want to strap a screen to their face all day and never leave their home.” My parents constantly told me as a child not to sit too close to the television since it was unhealthy for my eyes. He said, “And now we have television, which is here.”

Also, read – Top 7 Companies Involved In Metaverse Development

Changes in paradigms in several industries

The video game industry has been at the forefront of promoting wider metaverse usage. Several aspects of human life, like the gaming business, the entertainment industry, the athletic world, and the retail sector, already include traces of the metaverse. It has been suggested that Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite are the video games closest to creating a full-fledged metaverse. Millions of players spend hours each day in these online communities where gamers may engage with others, purchase, and create their avatars instead of being limited to pre-defined characters. These online venues include:

Large retailers, including Adidas, have created a new line of non-fungible tokens (NFT) dubbed “Into the Metaverse.” This series of passes allows retail shoppers who hold the NFT to purchase unique merchandise from the merchant. It is projected that the metaverse ecosystem will grow and expand over the next few years, notwithstanding the differing adoption rates of important industrial actors.

Possibilities that may be discovered in the metaverse

As the actual and online worlds become increasingly interwoven, the metaverse provides new opportunities for organizations to develop exponentially and for individuals to explore new forms of communication. A consumer may have a more vivid and memorable experience talking with a 3D avatar customer service agent through a chat window than a natural corporate person. If a person spends a great deal of time playing video games, a metaverse that enables seamless transitions between online gaming and virtual socializing may look like the utopia they’ve been waiting for.

Digital identities also allow people to experiment with alternative versions of themselves, which opens up a universe of possibilities. This seems to be the optimal location for people to enjoy pure fun and escape.


By participating in the so-called metaverse, individuals and society may be placing themselves in danger as the Internet is poised to become far more engaging.


We have all been given specialized things by our electronic devices, depending on the information acquired from our involvement in online social media platforms. The digital giants are already utilizing the data provided by clients to personalize their products to elicit the desired emotional response. It is projected that the kind and usage of data gathered via the metaverse would be more invasive than we are now experiencing. Not only can our behaviour be captured in a 3D virtual world, but our biometrics, such as voice tone, respiration rate, and body temperature, may also be captured in such an environment. How much more will our behaviour be influenced and controlled by this leverage?

Given the possible degree to which our data might be taken from the metaverse, we must consider whether the present restrictions are adequate to prevent the exploitation of our personal information, privacy, and security. This is an essential issue that must be addressed.


The current early stages of the metaverse are characterized by a lack of regulatory oversight, which has already contributed to increased cybercrimes. These offences include sexual harassment and internet theft. According to Cisco security experts, hacking, social engineering, and the hosting of fraudulent services are among the tactics hackers employ to misuse smart contracts and steal digital assets. In virtual environments, a new breed of metaverse scams is being perpetrated. On Horizon Worlds, a beta tester recently reported being virtually touched by a stranger. Recently, this information was shared on Meta. The fact that the metaverse is anonymous prevented her from filing a complaint or taking action against the perpetrator, even though she felt tremendous grief.

Now, if the line between the natural and virtual worlds continues to blur and real-life physical sensations are finally duplicated in the future metaverse, can we even begin to imagine the extent of the psychological suffering that the victims would experience? Given the inevitable nature of the platform, there are substantial issues as to whether it is even feasible to keep it safe for adults, much less for younger children, who are far more vulnerable to the hazards of these attacks.



As the metaverse expands, mental health issues may become even more frequent as humans grow increasingly separated from reality. Numerous practitioners in the area of medicine fear that excessive virtual reality use might potentially exacerbate mental health issues. [1] Dr Daria Kuss, the Lead for the Cyberpsychology Research Group at Nottingham Trent University, explains, “It is plausible that excessive usage of virtual worlds, such as [Horizon Worlds], may be related to indications of mental problems, such as addiction, sadness, and anxiety.” Similar to the excessive usage of the Internet in general

It is projected that individuals would be regularly exposed to an idealized “perfect” version of themselves developed through their 3D avatar. Due to the disparity between their natural and presented ideal appearance, people may suffer self-esteem difficulties. This issue already occurs among a significant proportion of teenagers in modern culture. Further research must be conducted to comprehend the detrimental effects of the metaverse, especially on young people’s health.


In the last two years, the pandemic has significantly accelerated the trend of digitalizing our lives. There has been an increase in the number of individuals living sedentary lifestyles and a decrease in the quantity of time spent outside. “Zoom fatigue” is a disease that has evolved due to our increasing dependence on digital displays and virtual zoom calls for in-person events such as professional conferences and family reunions. The prevalence of near-sightedness among primary and secondary school children nearly quadrupled during the COVID-19 pandemic home confinement in 2020, compared to the highest pre-pandemic estimate, according to the results of a large prospective cross-sectional study conducted over six years in China. [2]

As the era of the metaverse approaches, it is feasible that our prolonged immersion in virtual worlds may cause us to experience greater degrees of fatigue of various types. According to research by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, these virtual encounters inflict physical strain on the eyes, eye fatigue, visual impairment, and migraine headaches. As a result of the difference between virtual and perceived depth, virtual reality headset users suffer eye fatigue, according to a study performed and published in 2019. [3] Using virtual reality (VR) headsets for lengthy periods can impair one’s eyesight and lead to myopia development. It creates difficulties not only with our eye health but also with the overall deterioration of our bodily health since devices that emit light are hazardous to the organs when placed nearby.


In recent years, mixing the virtual and real worlds has added yet another dilemma to the multitude of issues for which we do not yet have appropriate solutions. It is uncertain how adaptable and socially responsible a person may be when granted access to the metaverse since there is no controlling body and no rules of conduct. It seems that individuals are already struggling to keep up with the requirements of the current 2D virtual world. Before putting on your goggles and lying down on your couch, it is vital to spend some time to consider, reflect, and maybe even have a chat with members of your communities about the potential ramifications of the emerging new era.

It seems plausible that the metaverse will play a substantial part in our daily lives in the not-too-distant future. Like the Internet, the metaverse’s effect will be defined by its use. According to Mitch Prinstein, the chief scientific officer of the American Psychological Association, “all of these new tools and opportunities may be used for good or ill.” To safeguard the generation that will come after us, we can only hope that the numerous parties involved will be able to consider a more coordinated approach to managing the potential health risks associated with the reality of the metaverse. Possibly another factor that must be considered is whether or not the human species was ever supposed to be able to interact with the metaverse. Before the metaverse turns us all into tools, one may argue that we need an immediate reality check.