Bill Clinton to Give A Keynote Address At Ripple Tech Conference

Bill Clinton to Give A Keynote Address At Ripple Tech Conference

Ripple News
August 1, 2018 by Editor's Desk
According to Ripple’s blog post on 31st July, it’s global payments tech conference called Swell will be opened with a keynote speech from 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton. The blog entry takes note of what ex-President Clinton levered up: “usher in a period of extreme growth and adoption of the Internet, shaping
Ripple tech conference Bill Clinton

According to Ripple’s blog post on 31st July, it’s global payments tech conference called Swell will be opened with a keynote speech from 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton. The blog entry takes note of what ex-President Clinton levered up: “usher in a period of extreme growth and adoption of the Internet, shaping what it is today,” and also bringing new innovations to underprivileged groups internationally.

The keynote and Q&A in San Francisco, USA, on October 1 by former President Clinton will be directed by Gene Sperling who is the Director at the National Economic Council and was in the Advisory under the two Presidents Clinton and Obama.

Ripple notes that the present advances like Blockchain and Smart Contracts introduce an indistinguishable difficulty from that of the development of the Internet in the 1990s. Both of the two wonders were required to strike a balance between the forestalling hazard and taking into account technological advancements.

Looking at the increased interest of the U.S. regulators in the field of cryptocurrency, it is bound to say that politics and cryptocurrencies have moved nearer this year by calling for more streamlining in the hyped technology.

As of lately revealed reports uncovered that major U.S. cryptocurrency trade and wallet Coinbase, has coined its own particular Political Action Committee (PAC) which enables it to donate for crypto-accommodating campaigns. This shows that crypto focussed companies have inclined more towards politics as well.

In 2016, Bill Clinton allegedly got his “first” Bitcoin (BTC) from crypto business person Matt Roszak in the form of a physical coin.

Backlash from other for the announcement

Some people do not seem to happy with the choice of Ripple’s keynote speaker for the Swell conference held in San Francisco on October 1.

Ummmm…. Am I supposed to be impressed by this? A 71-year-old man that obviously knows nothing about payment settlement, international transactions, Blockchain, or Cryptocurrencies. Actually, that sounds like just the person to shill how great $XRP is 🤔😂

— Nick Hellmann (@stunad620) July 31, 2018

And others saying-

Very disappointing! The Clinton’s are the scums if the earth.

— Roger (@rovaking) July 31, 2018

What, @BillClinton, the guy who said he doesn’t use email is going to be a keynote speaker for a @Ripple event? #SwellbyRipple #cyrpto 

— Casey Landry (@MrCaseyLandry) August 1, 2018

And this keeps going. Ripple has been inviting high profile individuals for a long time- with Snoop Dog’s onstage performance at a charity event which gathered a lot of eyes towards Ripple.

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