Blockchain News

Knabu To Pilot Bank Regulatory Reporting With Factom Blockchain

Crypto startup Knabu is working towards piloting bank regulatory reporting with Factom. Factom is among the first enterprise bl...
November 1, 2019

XUNLEI Limited To Establish A Fund Worth $ 100 Million In Blockchain

Xunlei Limited, which is considered to be among the forefront of innovators in shared cloud computing and blockchain technology...
October 31, 2019

Tencent Gets Approval To Draft Blockchain-Based Invoice Standards

Tencent, which is among China’s internet giants and is Wechat’s owner company, has received a nod from the Chinese tax official...
October 31, 2019

State-Level Policy For Blockchain And AI To Be Released By Tamil Nadu

Disrupting public policy and governance are new-age technologies like Blockchain and Al. Tamil Nadu is working on a state-level...
October 31, 2019

Telangana To Become India’s First State To Implement Blockchain In PDS Scheme

India has been implementing Blockchain at a rapid pace, and it will have a significant impact on how the industries will run in...
October 30, 2019

Sports, Movies And Blockchain Is What ‘Fight To Fame’ Reality Show Is About

Blockchain has made its way into reality shows, as well. A reality show platform that goes by the name Fit to Fame has develope...
October 30, 2019

Blockchain Shapes The Supply Chain Industry As India Uses It For Tea Trade

Blockchain for supply chains has been the trend currently as we see Reliance using Blockchain to ensure transparency to goods t...
October 30, 2019

CASA168 To Transforms The Casino Industry With The Help Of Blockchain

CASA168, the blockchain-based streaming casino service provider, gets its name from CASA, which translates to “house̶...
October 29, 2019

South Korea Goes Blockchain Not Long After China

South Korea’s additional investments followed after China’s announcement on its pro-blockchain efforts towards deve...
October 29, 2019

China Becomes Pro-Blockchain As It Bans Anti-Blockchain Articles

As per the reports, the officials in China are in the process of deleting a post that says that Blockchain technology is a scam...
October 29, 2019