Blockchain News

Does The Blockchain Requires Governance? A Bigger Question To Answer

Blockchain is a subset of distributed ledger technology, but for the technical world, it is more than just a ledger. It is a di...
August 2, 2018

Resolving Inefficiencies in Supply Chain of Diamonds with Blockchain

Over a hundred years back, supply chain was moderately basic since the business was local, yet they have become unbelievably in...
August 1, 2018

Bank of England Backs Blockchain Users

The Blockchain mania had already gobbled the European market and it is all ready to rock the European banking system. Bank of E...
July 31, 2018

Top 5 Knights of Blockchain and Cryoptocurrency Industry

Are you also hypnotized by the Blockchain boom? Then you must follow these 5 influential people to monitor all the ups and down...
July 31, 2018

Google reCaptcha And Blockchain, A Good Mix?

The advent of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence has flooded the internet with bots, not to mention that more than 28...
July 31, 2018

The Biggest Blockchain Trends to Look For In 2018

The Blockchain trends are so diverse that many people say that it is web 3.0. According to the techno-pundits, there has been a...
July 29, 2018

China’s Three Telecom Giants Join Hands To Accelerate Innovation In Blockchain Technology

China’s giant telecom network operators are uniting in an undertaking to accelerate innovation in their industry in Block...
July 27, 2018

All Things To Know About The Largest Blockchain Conference In India: The International Blockchain Congress

The International Blockchain Congress (IBC), a two days conference held by the Indian Government and co-hosted by Nucleus Visio...
July 26, 2018

Blockchain For Change: Does Gender Matter In Technology?

The most beautiful thing about Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency are that anyone: be of any gender, nationality, caste, ...
July 25, 2018

Convergence of Brains and Chains – An AI View of Blockchain

After many stops and starts it finally appears that we are on the verge of a true convergence explosion between Internet of Thi...
July 25, 2018