Cryptocurrency made better: What can AI do for Crypto?

Cryptocurrency made better: What can AI do for Crypto?

August 25, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
In the world of digital currencies, where bits and bytes take the place of physical coins and notes, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding, quietly but decisively, one must say. From the buzz of Bitcoin to the allure of Ethereum, cryptocurrencies have taken the financial landscape by storm. Yet, amid this excitement, concerns

In the world of digital currencies, where bits and bytes take the place of physical coins and notes, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding, quietly but decisively, one must say. From the buzz of Bitcoin to the allure of Ethereum, cryptocurrencies have taken the financial landscape by storm. Yet, amid this excitement, concerns about security, transparency, and efficiency have lingered. Enter AI, the unassuming hero that’s transforming the way we transact in the virtual realm.

AI has been a circulating topic within the tech world for quite some time already. Conceived as the next stage of tech evolution, given the fact that it automates every nook and cranny of the tech world thanks to its brain filled with consciousness, cognition, and a whole lot of information. In 2022, OpenAI opened the doors for AI to be used commercially, primarily thanks to its large language model: ChatGPT.

In any case, AI’s here to stay and change the world as we know it, including the crypto industry we came to know and love over the past 10 years it has been running. Do not worry though, as it’s going to revolutionize how we perceive and interact with cryptocurrencies altogether, thanks to projects like, that puts massive focus on AI being usable in the world of cryptocurrencies!

Without further ado, let’s explore how AI could change Cryptocurrencies, shall we?

What AI Can Do To Make Crypto Better

Spotting the Bad Apples

Imagine a vigilant digital watchdog that never sleeps. That’s just one of the things that AI can offer to crypto. It goes without saying that even though we have a robust system that could detect fraudulent transactions within projects and networks, a couple of them would get past our radars, leading to massive detriments to whoever is impacted.

Thanks to AI, you can pretty much sniff out the faintest whiff of fraud in the network! Through analyzing patterns in real-time, raising the alarm at the slightest hint of anything amiss, transactions are made safer and secure, while you can go about your merry way in the crypto world without worrying about losing your money! 

Following the Money Trail

Similar to detecting fraud within the crypto network, AI can be trained to act as blockchain’s backup security buddy! Blockchain will handle the recording and tracking, and on the same note AI would take care of making sure that none of these transactions are awry. From money laundering, transactions that are meant to cover paper trail, to hackings and scamming end points, AI will sift through the blockchain’s labyrinthine corridors, tracing every step of the journey of funds from wallet to wallet!

Smart Contracts: Not Just Smart, but Savvy

Smart contracts have become a massive addition into the world of cryptocurrencies ever since they got public. Acting as the brains behind transactions and processes within the crypto world, it made sure that every boring process involving crypto was made easy, fast, and cheap.

Enter AI, promising to make smart contracts even better! Employing strict algorithms that could also self-improve to prevent bugs and holes in the code from getting exploited? Yes please!

And of course, as always, your trusty AI Smart Contracts ensure that once the conditions are fulfilled, the contract is as good as its word. It’s like having an invisible assistant that only steps in when needed, that also learns from its previous interactions!

Demystifying the Market

The cryptocurrency market is a digital jungle. Prices swing, trends change, and information overload is a constant threat. This is where AI steps in as your guide. It crunches data from every nook and cranny – social media, news, market trends – and distills it into bite-sized insights. It’s your digital compass, helping you navigate through the market’s twists and turns.

Supporting Creators

One great thing about AI that we’re seeing use in the current age is how it supplants creators and artists with the proper “improvements” that they need to make their masterpieces stand out! Project creators are cashing in on this hype too as they use AI prompt algorithms to generate art for them which they can sell for a hefty profit!

Such is the need for this kind of AI feature that projects like included NFT and Image Art Generator as one of its flagship features to equip Web3.0 Content Creators in the future! Isn’t that amazing?

Guarding Privacy in a Transparent World

Cryptocurrency’s transparency can feel like a double-edged sword. You want your transactions visible, but your privacy intact. AI brings balance to the force with techniques like zero-knowledge proofs and confidential transactions. These privacy-enhancing tricks keep your transactions confidential while staying true to the transparency spirit.

Your Support Sidekick

Ever had a burning question about your digital wallet or a transaction hiccup? AI-powered chatbots are your support superheroes. They’re available 24/7, answering your queries, guiding you through snags, and putting your mind at ease. It’s like having a patient friend who knows the cryptocurrency ropes.

The awesome thing about this is the fact that offers such features in its platform too! Which you can integrate and train over time to provide tailor-fitted responses to help your users with their daily pickles! 

Securely You

You’ve heard of identity theft, but what about wallet theft? AI beefs up identity verification. It’s like a bouncer at the digital nightclub, making sure only you get through the door. Your wallet stays safe, and your transactions stay yours.

Wrap Up

In the midst of a massive upheaval in the cryptocurrency world, AI takes the first step forward in inciting change within the industry! Changing the bad for the better, and improving what’s great to be even greater, AI ensures that every step of your crypto journey is as safe and sound as it could be.

With projects like at the forefront of this newfound financial frontier that AI and crypto is offering at the table, you can bet your bottom dollar that not only will you have a compass that guides you through the tumultuous seas of the crypto world, you also get a trusty companion that will keep you safe and stoked with crypto!