EU Funding is Targeting SMEs for Blockchain Startup

EU Funding is Targeting SMEs for Blockchain Startup

Blockchain News
April 5, 2022 by Editor
BlockStart is providing funds to SMEs for blockchain startups. The funding is coming from the EU Horizon 2020 program, which is investing in research to improve Europe’s possession. And this is the third round of calls. EU funding available for blockchain startups targeting SMEs. BlockStart is offering to fund blockchain partnerships targeting SMEs. The funding
EU Funding is Targeting SMEs for Blockchain Startup

BlockStart is providing funds to SMEs for blockchain startups. The funding is coming from the EU Horizon 2020 program, which is investing in research to improve Europe’s possession. And this is the third round of calls.

BlockStart Announcement

The startup can apply to BlockStart’s Partnership Programme, can be associated with SMEs, and receive up to €20,000 to prove their blockchain solutions. BlockStart is a pan-European blockchain acceleration program. The main objective is to ease the partnership between DLT solution providers and end-user SMEs. During their final call, BlockStart is looking for growth-stage blockchain startups from all over the EU and H2020 countries.

This program is planning to fund €265,000 in the fields of ICT, fintech, and retail. The selected startups will receive €20,000 equity-free funding.

What is the exact offer?

Well, the program will give startups access to a myriad of advantages, such as piloting opportunities, equity-free funding, mentorship, and exposure to advisors and investors. The selected startups will have to undergo 6-month training. It will start with Ideation Kick-Off, which is a match among 10 end-user SMEs.

After that, the top 10 technology providers will get admitted to a 4-month Prototype stage that will aim towards supporting the blockchain market. During the 2-months, the 5 startup finalists will work with blockchain and other DLTs. They will have a distinctive chance to prove their solutions and clarify their products. This way they can grow their business and work closely with their possible end-user SMEs.

By the end of the program, the chosen startups will have an opportunity to a huge audience of stakeholders, investors, and startups, and others at BlockStart’s Demo Day. The BlockStart’s Demo Day is organized for 2022.

How can I apply?

Any European Associated Country startup that worked with blockchain in the fintech niche can easily apply. Apart from this, the retail and ICT Industry is also eligible to participate and can fill an online form on the F6S platform. You can also visit and consult their FAQ section to understand the procedure.

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Partnering Up with end-user SMEs

The main goal of BlockStart is to stimulate the association between SMEs and potential blockchain specialists. They can easily promote the opportunities and benefits of these technologies. Only SMEs can operate in the fields of ICT, fintech, and retail. They are allowed and can go through a dedicated SME adopter, by filling a dedicated online application form.

The selected SME adopters will get the benefit of up to €4,500 equity-free funding and they will have an opportunity to implement blockchain solutions with the startups. The applications for SMEs are expected to have 2 cut-off dates, the 1st one for participation and the 2nd one for piloting blockchain solutions at the Pilot stage. The deadline for the first cut-off is 6 July 2021 at 5 p.m.

The BlockStart Association

BlockStart is run by 3 partners – Bright Pixel, F6S, and CIVITTA. The whole project is funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, under the grant agreement.

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