Funarcade Testnet Extension: A New Era Of Community-Driven, Fair Gaming

Funarcade Testnet Extension: A New Era Of Community-Driven, Fair Gaming

May 18, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
Amidst a wave of enthusiasm, Funarcade extends its highly anticipated testnet program to May 31, 2023, in response to the gaming community’s surge of interest and support. Funarcade, a community-focused casino that strives to provide a fun and fair gaming experience by leveraging blockchain technology, initially attracted gamers and developers with its wide array of
Funarcade Testnet Extension: A New Era of Community-Driven, Fair Gaming
Amidst a wave of enthusiasm, Funarcade extends its highly anticipated testnet program to May 31, 2023, in response to the gaming community’s surge of interest and support.

Funarcade, a community-focused casino that strives to provide a fun and fair gaming experience by leveraging blockchain technology, initially attracted gamers and developers with its wide array of iGaming options. The process entails an intensive testing program to ensure the proper functioning of the games while providing users with the gaming environment experience. The platform recently announced a testnet program that allows users to participate in playing casino games while earning tokens as an incentive.

Read the announcement: Funarcade Announces Testnet Launch: Participate Now and Win Tokens!

Funarcade values feedback from their testers and have therefore structured the rewards system to generate detailed feedback from users. This feedback primarily focuses on game mechanics, bugs, and user experience improvements.

Funarcade’s primary objective with the testnet process is to provide a comprehensive testing program to improve the gaming experience by allowing test users to try the different games. This approach aligns with the platform’s values of providing top-end gaming solutions while prioritizing customer satisfaction.

The rewards program is structured to incentivize users to provide detailed feedback after playing the games. Feedback would need to specifically identify bugs, if any were encountered during gameplay, any potential improvements to game mechanics, and suggestions regarding user experience enhancements.

Token rewards are split into three pools based on the quality of the feedback:

  • users who leave relevant feedback earn 15% (150,000 tokens),
  • users who leave good/detailed feedback earn 40% (400,000 tokens), and
  • users who leave great feedback earn 45% (450,000 tokens).

The buzz surrounding the Funarcade platform led to an overwhelming surge of interest which has driven the decision to extend its testnet. This exciting announcement allows users to explore Funarcade’s robust platform and encourages continuous growth through user input and collaboration.

A Unique, Collaborative Gaming Experience

Funarcade’s main feature is its community-owned structure. This allows for a decentralized and democratic approach to its development. By holding its native currency FAT tokens, users can earn rewards and even stake their tokens to earn a share of the platform’s profits. 

The Future of Gaming Platforms: Decentralization and User Control

With its unique community-centric approach, Funarcade is more than just an online casino gaming platform—it represents the future of gaming. By embracing a transparent and democratic nature, the platform offers an equitable and inclusive experience for all. Its rewards structure aims to redistribute up to 90% of profits to users. This reflects the commitment to decentralization, promotes trust, and ensures that the power lies within the hands of the users.

Funarcade’s games are Provably Fair by allowing users to verify the outcomes themselves. 

The platform recently launched its Ambassador’s program, where users can try out their casino games while earning Funarcade Tokens (FAT) as a reward! 

This unprecedented transparency makes the platform more attractive to gamers and developers, knowing they are participating in something revolutionizing the gaming industry.

With the Funarcade testnet extension, now is the perfect time for gamers and developers to dive into the platform and explore its diverse offerings.