How To Become An Auditor Of Smart Contracts

How To Become An Auditor Of Smart Contracts

Blockchain News
December 5, 2022 by Diana Ambolis
In recent years, cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based technologies have garnered substantial worldwide interest. Blockchain revolutionized the transmission of information and financial transactions while offering users sovereignty. Smart contracts serve as one of the fundamental technologies for such applications. Do you want to become an auditor of contracts and investigate attractive employment opportunities in blockchain? You may
How To Become An Auditor Of Smart Contracts

In recent years, cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based technologies have garnered substantial worldwide interest. Blockchain revolutionized the transmission of information and financial transactions while offering users sovereignty. Smart contracts serve as one of the fundamental technologies for such applications. Do you want to become an auditor of contracts and investigate attractive employment opportunities in blockchain?

You may ask why a contract auditor is necessary while designing blockchain apps. In recent years, the need for competent contract auditors has increased dramatically, notably for Ethereum, the holy grail of smart contract development. It is essential to realize that intelligent contracts include code that outlines the transaction they must carry out. However, developers might reveal vulnerabilities in the scripting of intelligent contract code.

This article will assist you in advancing your profession as a competent contract auditor. You may read about the tasks of intelligent contract auditors, the abilities necessary for the function, and the projected financial rewards of the position. In addition, the article will cover the best practices for establishing your reputation as a competent, intelligent contract auditor. You may further your career by becoming an Ethereum-competent contract auditor and capitalizing on the need for smart contract audits.

Importance of Audits of Smart Contracts

Before looking for the best competent contract auditing firms to acquire a job, you must first comprehend the importance of smart contract audits. It is the process of examining the code of a smart contract for security flaws, mistakes, and bugs. Audits of innovative agreements play a significant role in the development and deployment of smart contracts via the early detection of code flaws. Audits can thereby avoid the loss of user assets or data in the case of any form of attack.

Attacks on the security of smart contracts might harm the credibility of blockchain projects. Approximately $3 billion will be lost to crypto theft in 2021 as the extent of cryptocurrency threats continues to expand. Almost 69 percent of DeFi breaches have been related to smart contract vulnerabilities. As a result, smart contract audits have developed as an unavoidable need to routinely check the code to ensure the security of user assets and project outputs.

What is an auditor of smart contracts?

Always begin the path to being one of the most significant intelligent contract auditors by defining the function precisely. A wise contract auditor is a security specialist responsible for the human study of smart contracts and the deployment of intelligent contract audit tools for discovering code vulnerabilities. Auditors seek to ensure that the innovative agreement is executed with the highest security requirements. As an auditor of smart contracts, you must have a broad grasp of programming and blockchain technology.

Auditor responsibilities for contracts

What do you have to accomplish as a smart contract auditor? The tasks of smart contract security auditors provide a definitive response to this topic. Aspirations of newcomers in this profession might be severely hampered by the misunderstanding surrounding smart contract auditor employment. When you understand your duties for a given work, you are more likely to acquire the necessary abilities. The unique roles of competent contract auditors are outlined below.

Collecting Code Requirements

Auditors of smart contracts are primarily responsible for evaluating a smart contract project’s documentation. Reviewing project documentation might aid in a thorough comprehension of the project. You may study the intelligent contract’s use cases, design, and architecture.

In this instance, the duties of an Ethereum smart contract auditor would also include guaranteeing team cooperation. Consequently, the auditor was able to acquire a thorough grasp of the contract’s operation and determine the intended functionality of various portions of its code.

Code Evaluation for Vulnerabilities

The inspection of the smart contract code would be the next significant addition to the obligations listed for intelligent contract auditing organizations. The wise contracts’ auditors must examine the smart contract code line-by-line and compare it to a list of common predicted vulnerabilities in smart contract code.

How do auditors assess the code for common vulnerabilities? Auditors must implement typical attacks against the smart contract’s code to determine its effect. Consequently, auditors may consider the severity of code vulnerabilities and devise a plan for correcting bright contract flaws.


The duties of competent contract auditors also emphasize testing, which facilitates the accurate detection of code faults and defects. Depending on the scope of the examination, auditors may do unit or integrated testing. For instance, unit testing may be effective for targeting certain functions.

To becomes an intelligent contract auditor; you must be proficient in automated and manual project testing. Auditors may use human and mechanical testing methods to test intelligent contract codes. Integration testing, on the other hand, might provide greater scope for testing in addition to providing tests for more significant quantities of code.

Manual testing is preferable when automated methods fail to determine the context of the assessment or the developer’s goals. Manual auditing teams account for all code design requirements and determine if the code achieves its intended goals. Auditors might alert the development team when they discover a flaw and provide ideas for resolving the issue.

Automated testing is also a special responsibility in brilliant contract auditor positions for finding bright contract security flaws. Using specialized software, automated intelligent contract testing identifies the inputs and outputs of a project. Consequently, auditors could monitor the results of various procedures, allowing the auditing team to identify recurring issues. Smart Check, Manticore, and Solium are prevalent automated auditing software examples. Importantly, proficiency in automated testing enables you to address repetitious testing challenges while concentrating on complicated issues.

The primary purpose of testing in the tasks of competent contract auditors is to verify security concerns that might have a lasting impact on the smart contract.


Reporting would be the last addition to the list of obligations for intelligent contract auditors. After completing the auditing process, the auditors must prepare a comprehensive report that provides assessment requirements. Before releasing the final audit report, auditors must generate information on vulnerabilities.

The vulnerability report summarizes the found code vulnerabilities and proposed resolution steps. The final audit report, on the other hand, details the activities done to resolve the intelligent contract security risks. In addition, the audit report would provide a roadmap for future measures.

How to Become an Auditor of Smart Contract Security

The tasks of an intelligent contract auditor provide an idea of the abilities required for the position. The clarity about the significance of smart contract security audits and the explanation of auditors’ professional duties and obligations allow you to comprehend the auditors’ expectations. You must now be keen to learn how to become a competent contract auditor and take advantage of chances. Here is a summary of the necessary processes to become an auditor of intelligent contracts.

Programming Skills

How will you audit the intelligent contract code if you cannot read it? Programming is one of the most fundamental abilities necessary for smart contract audits. In actuality, programming abilities are required to be an auditor of intelligent contracts. Programming expertise might facilitate comprehension of the syntax and semantics of the smart contract’s syntax and individual instructions’ code.

It is vital to emphasize that the best auditors of wise contracts are often skilled engineers. Coding abilities are one of the most challenging qualifications for obtaining a position as a competent contract auditor. Without coding skills, you will likely have difficulty understanding intelligent contract code.

JavaScript would be the best language to learn to begin improving programming abilities. It is one of the most universal and easy-to-learn languages to help you acquire auditing abilities. The closeness between the syntaxes of JavaScript and Solidity provides additional benefits for all learners. Intriguingly, your programming talents may act as a backup plan if you decide not to pursue a career as an auditor. You may quickly shift into the job of back-end, front-end, or intelligent contract developer with coding abilities.

Ethereum, as well as Solidity

The second phase toward becoming an intelligent contract auditor stresses Ethereum and Solidity understanding. Ethereum is the most popular blockchain platform for generating smart contracts, and Solidity is the programming language used to accomplish this goal.

Explore the ETH documentation to learn about its architecture and how it facilitates the construction of smart contracts. However, theoretical knowledge might only take you so far in your work as an auditor of intelligent contracts. Using CTFs or Capture the Flags, you must thus begin studying Solidity in practice with the ideas of ETH security.

CTFs or war games are interactive security challenges that require the creation of smart contracts to disclose a code vulnerability. Ethernet, Damn Vulnerable DeFi, and Capture the Ether are examples of CTFs that may be used to learn about Solidity and Ethereum smart contract security.

To boost your chances of securing a position as an intelligent contract auditor, you may also attempt more complicated CTFs, such as Paradigms. However, prospective Ethereum smart contract auditors must be aware that Capture the Ether and Ethernaut CTFs have obstacles that overlap. In contrast, the vulnerabilities uncovered by these challenges are often tied to earlier versions of Solidity.

Practical Knowledge of Contracts

All firms that do smart contract audits want people with hands-on expertise in smart contract audits. Aspiring auditors of intelligent contracts must connect with the most popular and widely used intelligent contracts. As an auditor of smart contracts, you would constantly face such contracts, algorithms, and patterns. Therefore, a thorough grasp of the operation of smart contracts and their various complexities might enhance your employment possibilities.

You must first deal with token contracts and standards such as ERC20 and ERC721. Consequently, it would be best to comprehend the core processes of proxies since Ethereum contracts do not support updates. To separate storage from functionality, proxy systems such as OpenZeppelin Proxy need brokers.

The solutions to “how to become a smart contract security auditor” need knowledge of MasterChef. It is a staking contract in which users may stake liquidity provider tokens and get rewards according to a distinct reward algorithm. Compound and Uniswap are a few of the other prominent smart contracts in use today. The two protocols may provide a look into the actual operation of decentralized peer-to-peer lending and Automated Market Maker protocols.

Auditors of smart contracts pay

Your preparation would conclude with a discussion of intelligent contract auditor compensation estimates. Intriguingly, there are two alternative remuneration models for competent contract auditors, including fixed and skill-based. The auditors’ skill-based remuneration is proportional to the severity of the vulnerabilities they identify, while their hourly-based income is set.

Last Words

The guide to becoming an intelligent contract auditor provided prospective auditors with an efficient road map. You can see how a smart contract audit may assist in addressing innovative contract security issues. The proliferation of DeFi, NFTs, and other decentralized applications based on intelligent contracts has raised security concerns.

Develop professional experience in intelligent contracts immediately to capitalize on new career possibilities in smart contract audits. With the correct abilities, you may develop a career as a professional, competent contract auditor at top firms. Simultaneously, it would be best to concentrate on gaining practical expertise by dealing with various intelligent contracts.