Key takeaways from Founder Luise Frohberg of Taara Quest

Key takeaways from Founder Luise Frohberg of Taara Quest

Metaverse News
August 22, 2022 by Editor's Desk
About the CEO: Luise Frohberg was raised in Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that sparked her interest in politics and motivated her to climb the political ladder. Throughout her career, she grew in popularity as a political leader and activist in the women’s movement. She also completed
Key takeaways from Founder Luise Frohberg of Taara Quest

About the CEO:

Luise Frohberg was raised in Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that sparked her interest in politics and motivated her to climb the political ladder. Throughout her career, she grew in popularity as a political leader and activist in the women’s movement. She also completed her PhD studies in social innovation during this time. In 2018, she opted to pursue a career in business instead of politics. As a result, she chose to join Mindful Innovation, a network and platform for entrepreneurs focusing on impact.She started to engage in online gaming environments like Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite alongside them. She realized how many educational and leadership possibilities the metaverse may provide. In 2021, she first became aware of this truth, which inspired her to create Taara Quest.

She views the permanent virtual realm as the metaverse if it converges with reality. It consists of 3D items, environments, and avatars that create the illusion that the user is in the same room as other people. In addition, she would explain that it is a place where folks may participate in things they like in the “real world.” Despite the hype and buzz around the metaverse concept, it remains obscure and the topic of discussion.

Before seeing the immense potential of gaming and virtual worlds, she had to overcome the misconception that they were a waste of time and the stigma she associated with such hobbies. However, since she works in innovation consulting, she is trained to creatively combine existing processes and technology to provide unique solutions to problems.

For the metaverse to acquire universal appeal, it is vital to develop and disseminate compelling use cases that add value to the lives of ordinary people and are relevant to their daily activities. Currently, a relatively small number of early adopters are responsible for the construction, formation, and use of the metaverse.

In contrast, the pandemic has accelerated usage in several ways. Due to her lack of technical training, she has determined that the hardware and software user experience has a lot of room for improvement. It is also essential to remember that users will need to gain new skills to use the metaverse.

A metaverse is a hypothetical cosmos in which all possibilities are possible. You can try out things that aren’t even possible in the real world and be anything you want. When entering a virtual environment or game with your avatar, it is easy to relax and discover new things. You are liberated from the biases and assumptions you bring into your daily employment and life.

Her initial thought was, “What if ladies could feel and see themselves in this manner?” What if individuals could see themselves possessing unique qualities, potential, and skills? And what if they were able to determine where and how to deploy their abilities in a focused and effective manner? a way that enables their enlightened leadership to radiate unimpeded throughout the globe?

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She had spent many years working in politics and consulting, and throughout that time, she had seen many women battle with terrible self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence. She concluded that the metaverse could offer women a safe atmosphere. Not just to become aware of the unique potential they hold. It remains pleasurable and risk-free for them to build and enhance their leadership skills actively.

Companies with women in leadership positions have more success. However, women comprise less than a quarter of those in global leadership roles. The figures are far worse for women employed in technology. They occupy less than 15% of executive positions, and one-third of them depart within the first year. My findings indicate that women tend to underestimate their talents, make choices more slowly, and are often hindered by emotions of self-doubt. They are well educated and have a strong desire to achieve. However, they lack a safe setting to practice, apply their knowledge, and learn from their mistakes. Locations, where women may make these errors safely and learn from their mistakes,are places where women may socialize and get assistance while traversing the arduous and isolated route to leadership. She is creating metaverse activities such as live-action roleplay and simulations.

In the next ten years, there will likely be no centralized super-metaverse. Instead, millions will devote a large percentage of their time to the platforms and applications they like the most. They will participate in activities like socialization, play, and labour. In addition, this will be made feasible through a decentralized yet interconnected economic system. Since the metaverse will be an alternative reality, the cultural and social inequalities and inequality present in the current world will not be mirrored there. It must become a place that welcomes everybody, is safe, and distributes resources equitably, especially for disadvantaged and vulnerable populations.

She has lofty ambitions for Taara Quest, seeing it as a global hub and ecosystem in the metaverse for women seeking leadership at all stages of life. It will be advantageous for the women who influence the metaverse and navigate through it. Those who will be able to capitalize on the immense economic possibilities that will come as a consequence of the metaverse’s growth. Providing training and support to women, the driving force behind innovation will be a component of this initiative.