Predictions for Open Source Technology in 2022

Predictions for Open Source Technology in 2022

June 24, 2022 by Diana Ambolis
Technology, like the people who produce and use it, changes swiftly. The community has made some predictions about open source technology in 2022. Developers on the cutting edge Regarding the future year, I believe the critical growing trend for 2022 will be developers rather than technical advances. Who hasn’t observed in their networks lately how
Predictions for Open Source Technology in 2022

Technology, like the people who produce and use it, changes swiftly. The community has made some predictions about open source technology in 2022.

Developers on the cutting edge

Regarding the future year, I believe the critical growing trend for 2022 will be developers rather than technical advances. Who hasn’t observed in their networks lately how many developers are taking on new challenges, jobs, and organizations? As I said in my speech at OpenSlava 2017, they will have much more articulate. Because of cultural shifts worldwide, developers may now work anywhere, for any business, and nearly without limitations.

Because of cultural shifts worldwide, developers may now work anywhere, for any business, and nearly without limitations. Your talent pool is no longer simply local; you must now extend and seek the larger fish worldwide, which will come at a higher cost as demand increases. In 2022, firms must prioritize resources above future technological developments, in my opinion. Organizations will face extremely stormy seas if they do not find out how to manage resources by acquiring and keeping top developer talent. Developer salaries will rise, and changes will be plentiful, highlighting how developers are the confirmed new technology to watch. E. D. Schabell

Inclusion and accessibility

As the globe gets more connected and people work from home, open-source technology will become more inclusive. Accessibility and inclusiveness are often afterthoughts in our products’ research, design, and development. Disabilities that are often ignored due to the anonymity of the internet, such as hearing loss or auditory processing difficulties, neurodiversity, and the many ways people process information, are becoming increasingly apparent now that more of us are linked via remote work and collaboration. Communication is crucial, and with around 15% of the global population self-identifying as having a handicap, inclusion in open source is critical. —Amy Hineline, June

DevOps and open source

The first signals of an inflection moment between open-source DevOps tool communities and commercial DevOps tool suppliers will appear in 2022. The fundamental reason will be private equity investors looking to establish the next commercial DevOps platform with a high value. Open source DevOps tools will not go away. Several technologies may serve as seed purchases for larger DevOps tool firms based on open source technology initiatives. All of this creates new cultural conflict in the DevOps tools community at some time in the future. —William Kelly

Growth of open source technology

I anticipate a steady increase in the adoption of open-source software. Cloud computing, Industry 4.0, and blockchain-based applications rely on open-source software. Linux-based operating systems, in particular, are quickly gaining market share from formerly proprietary applications. Avenue de, Stephan

Metrics for the cloud

As cloud usage matures, the relevance of metrics will become more essential from an enterprise standpoint. The following ideas need measurements to track their development.

How to determine where they are in their adoption process to set a baseline

How to understand how they are doing on their cloud journey to demonstrate progress and assist them in identifying problems that need to be addressed.

To choose what to do next, pick what to experiment/test in the future —Michael Calizo.

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Increased open source technology support

I see significant progress in two areas:

Corporate support: We stopped doing open source in our leisure time because it was fantastic long ago. Open source technology is becoming a driving force in every industry, a significant changer. However, open-source cannot be “free to take”—organizations must contribute in some way, such as hiring open source developers or allowing their development team to contribute to a project, providing financial support, testing and documentation support, sponsoring internships, or finding other ways to support an open-source project. Without adequate backing, open-source developers may abandon the project, or it may take an unforeseen direction. Organizations may reduce their effect by investing in the open-source projects they utilize.

Supply chain management: We’re seeing the value of considering open source as a component of a larger supply chain. Organizations cannot expect that an open-source project will be bug-free. Every piece of software has flaws. As a result, firms that use or depend on open source to operate a portion (or all) of their operations must get serious about supply chain management. How will you “vet” or test new releases to guarantee they work properly? Don’t simply throw a fresh open-source technology release into production and hope for the best. —James Hall