Tesla Helped in Fixing a Malfunction of this Open-Source Bitcoin Payment Processor

Tesla Helped in Fixing a Malfunction of this Open-Source Bitcoin Payment Processor

Bitcoin News Blockchain News
April 7, 2021 by Editor
Did you know Tesla contributed to a Bitcoin open-source software? Yes. You heard that right. The carmaker revealed a flaw in the open-source Bitcoin payment processor and wallet BTCPay Server. Besides, they also helped in fixing the bug. The company informed BTCPay’s team of the bug after analyzing the project. With this, it has been
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Did you know Tesla contributed to a Bitcoin open-source software? Yes. You heard that right.

The carmaker revealed a flaw in the open-source Bitcoin payment processor and wallet BTCPay Server. Besides, they also helped in fixing the bug.

The company informed BTCPay’s team of the bug after analyzing the project. With this, it has been affecting the users who use BTCPay.

BTCPay founder told that the security team did an audit and contacted them. Since then, they have been focused on fixing their issues after disclosing them. Tesla is now helping the company to improve its security process.

The BTCPay team said that more information on the flaw will be revealed in the next release.

BTCPay team also added that they want to thank Tesla Motors for filing a responsible revelation and helping with the necessary remedies. They forwarded their note of thanks to Qaiser Abbas who is an independent web-security researcher and handled the vulnerability disclosure in this release.

Are Tesla and BTCPay Server Planning Something?

Well, even after so many revelations, the BTCPay team has not commented why Tesla was assessing the project’s code. Or if Tesla uses the platform for their bitcoin payments.

That is still unsure.

But, the bitcoin code checkout invoices show the copy of the same code that is usually found in BTCPay invoices. Besides, Elon Musk also added that the company uses open-source software to princess their payments.

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