This is what ECB Digital Euro Survey Has to Say

This is what ECB Digital Euro Survey Has to Say

Bitcoin News Blockchain News
April 6, 2021 by Editor
The European Central Bank issued a report that summarizes the results of a three-month digital euro survey. The survey attracted 8,221 responses. Suppose they choose an offline solution versus online; 53% of citizens prefer offline. In that case, another 34% will prefer a hybrid approach, and only 13% will want an online mode. One of
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The European Central Bank issued a report that summarizes the results of a three-month digital euro survey. The survey attracted 8,221 responses.

Suppose they choose an offline solution versus online; 53% of citizens prefer offline. In that case, another 34% will prefer a hybrid approach, and only 13% will want an online mode.

One of the significant challenges with the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) survey results is the variation between countries.

For example, on the same question, respondents said that they want a hybrid versus offline approach in Italy, Portugal, and Latvia.

Contrary to that, other countries such as Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands favoured the privacy-centric offline system.

Now, why did they break down the country’s results? Well, it is because Germany influenced the survey responses and was responsible for 47% of respondents. And Italy is the second-highest country at 15%.

Did you know that one in ten respondents wanted to stay anonymous?

There was an interrogation to rank different features. Simultaneously, 57% rated it as the number one feature, with another 19% being the second.

The most surprising fact was that privacy was ranked above security. The countries felt that if the payments are not private, they can lose their money. But, respondents just assumed payments should be secure, else no one will use it.

The preferable features of a digital euro are privacy, security, and usability.

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