Top 13 Smart Contract Security Flaws You Need To Protect Yourself From

Top 13 Smart Contract Security Flaws You Need To Protect Yourself From

Blockchain News
November 17, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
Smart contracts underpin the many transaction use cases and applications of blockchain technology. They are used in financial services, supply chain management, IoT networks, and the music industry. Transparent smart contracts may reveal security vulnerabilities. Malicious actors may exploit these vulnerabilities to steal customer data or incur financial losses. Increasing dangers need a security guide.
Top 13 Smart Contract Security Flaws You Need To Protect Yourself From. we'll explore the path to becoming a crypto lawyer, the skills required, and the opportunities in this burgeoning field.

Smart contracts underpin the many transaction use cases and applications of blockchain technology. They are used in financial services, supply chain management, IoT networks, and the music industry. Transparent smart contracts may reveal security vulnerabilities. Malicious actors may exploit these vulnerabilities to steal customer data or incur financial losses. Increasing dangers need a security guide. Understanding how smart contract security works and what tools are required is essential. The following reasons highlight the problems associated with smart contract security.

Smart Contract Protection

Smart contract security refers to the principles and methods exchanges, developers, and users use to create and interact with smart contracts. With a thorough understanding of security, the outline is sufficient. Smart contracts run on a blockchain network like Ethereum and automatically run when certain conditions are met. Agreements facilitate the storage or trade of digital assets. Smart contracts may increase blockchain adoption and use. Security flaws often lead to the theft of investments and the loss of money or trust. Malicious actors profit from defects. Blockchain and innovative contract applications produce billions of dollars.

The complexity of Smart Contract Security

In addition to operational issues, it is necessary to create smart contract security. Smart contract security issues may aid in preparation. Before engaging in suggested practices, it is essential to understand security. Smart contracts must be constructed and implemented using the Vyper and Solidity programming languages. You’ll need ETH for gas charges during deployment. Depending on the kind of intelligent contract

Smart contracts allow distributed or decentralized apps, often called dApps, to run. The security of smart contracts would also integrate decentralized ALCs. DAOs and smart legal contracts are popular uses of smart contracts. In recent years, smart contract security problems have increased. The complexity of security explains past breaches. Recent breaches of smart contract security include the following:

  • The Tinyman exchange in Algorand lost $3 million in January 2022.
  • In 2022, the Wormhole Cross Chain Bridge Attack robbed Ethereum and Solana of $320 million.
  • In August 2022, importation issues incurred $8 million in losses for hundreds of Solana wallets.
  • In August 2021, cybercriminals stole $613 million from the smart contracts of Poly Network.
  • The smart contract robberies of $150 million for Parity Technologies and $50 million for Genesis DAO.

Smart contract security

The security recommendations for smart contracts should mention known vulnerabilities. Security attacks must be well known. Several smart contract security flaws

Assault Re-entry

Reentrancy attacks happen when an attacker can call a function more than once before the first call has finished. Reentrancy vulnerabilities enable hostile agents to withdraw again.


Oracle security solutions and external data sources impact the security of smart contracts.

Also read: Various Ways to Protect Smart Contract


Frontrunning attacks include the fraudulent processing of blockchain transactions. Bad actors might charge extra to finish small transactions first, delaying more critical transactions. If significant marketing drives down the price of tokens, bad people may try to sell tickets they have already bought.


Security is the dependence on timestamps among the best practices for smart contracts. It causes assaults based on time.

Math apprehension

Overflows and underflows are another security concern for contracts. An EVM employs integer data with a defined size. Overflow or underflow happens when an integer variable can only hold values between 0 and 255. Insecure arithmetic may provide vulnerabilities that enable attackers to create new logic flows.


Security methods for smart contracts help avoid griefing. Parties launch assaults of this kind on smart contracts, acting in bad faith.


Deprecated or historical attacks target Ethereum’s vulnerabilities from the past. There are patches at the compiler level for smart contract security problems. DoS-based DSCP security flaws may result in unexpected rollbacks and block gas limit increases. Force-feeding is an additional security issue. Balance checks are manipulated by pushing Ether transactions to smart contracts.

Smart Contract Software

Common vulnerabilities in smart contracts give a robust foundation for mitigating risk. You would need smart contract security tools to identify flaws and preserve code quality. These technologies may reduce the vulnerabilities of smart contracts.


Smart contracts, control flow graphs, and EVM bytecode are shown using visualization tools. Visualizing the contents of a contract is a reliable method for securing them.


The classification of defects and vulnerabilities is a component of smart contract security.

Static/dynamic examination

Static and dynamic analysis tools are also essential for the security of smart contracts. Tools depend on program analysis to identify flaws and vulnerabilities in smart contracts.


The security of smart contracts may use linters and formatters. In addition to pointing out problems with the code, they ensure that the contract code follows specific format rules.


One of the most noticeable things about solutions to smart contract security problems would be that they could be tested. Tools for testing are essential for implementing, measuring, monitoring, and administering tests.

The Importance Of Auditing Smart Contracts

Threats to smart contract security and the available ways of ensuring smart contract security provide a clear picture of the present security state. You are aware of the obstacles and the solutions available to overcome them. Smart contracts are adjustable and versatile. Contracts that transfer valuable resources into complicated systems need security and consistency. Smart contract audits may evaluate a contract’s code for vulnerabilities before deployment. The demand for smart contract security is constantly growing. The deposit is unknown due to flaws, inefficiencies, and incorrect behavior. Code defects in contracts might cost millions or billions of dollars. A security evaluation is necessary before the implementation of smart contracts. The following are the primary justifications for smart contract audits in security projects:

  • Early audits of intelligent programming may decrease error-related costs.
  • Security auditors with experience may examine code.
  • Frequent security audits enhance development.
  • Smart contract audits detect code security flaws.
  • Frequent audits of smart contracts throughout development might offer an executive summary or vulnerability details

Auditing Smart Contracts

Best practices for smart contract security would also imply a simple audit. Although different auditors may use other methods, these steps are standard.

Code Models

Auditors collect code specification information and assess the integration architecture of smart contracts. This phase helps auditors comprehend the project’s objectives and scope.


In audits of smart contract security, unit tests are conducted. Auditors evaluate the functionality of each smart contract. Auditors use human and computer-based methods to accept codes in unit test cases.

Method choice

Manual and automated audits provide advantages for audits of smart contracts. Generally, manual audits are more effective than computerized ones. Manual audits of smart contracts do not need software and may detect frontrunning.

Audit Report Creation and Distribution

The audit of smart contracts finishes with the first report. After completing the first phase of the audit, auditors will discuss code defects and provide remedies. After problems have been fixed, auditors must give a report outlining the project team’s steps to fix them.

Smart Contract Security Practices.

Security tools and audits can only do so much to safeguard smart contracts. The security of smart contracts is not a goal. It is a process, and you must anticipate changes in the ecosystem. Applications for security principles are developing. Here are some recommended practices for the security of smart contracts.

  • Always anticipate failure and ensure that your code is as resilient as possible.
  • Keeping up with new security developments is a reliable smart contract security practice.
  • To avoid security risks with smart contracts, avoid complex logic and code.


In conclusion, developers need to make smart contracts more secure to deal with new worries. A comprehensive review of smart contract security risks assists in evaluating the issue. In addition, the tutorial identified contract security flaws. As the importance of the web3 revolution grows, we must examine its security. Using reliable technology and standard best practices can secure contracts. Become an expert in contracts and blockchain security.