Top 5 Most Expensive NFTs Sold So Far In The Industry

Top 5 Most Expensive NFTs Sold So Far In The Industry

January 16, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
NFTs are blockchain tokens that offer a certificate of ownership. They cannot be copied and multiplied. Also, they’re non-fungible which basically means they are one of a kind. So, which are the most expensive ones ever sold? Before we list them, please note that the exchange rate will have highs and lows and the value
Top 5 most expensive NFTs sold so far

NFTs are blockchain tokens that offer a certificate of ownership. They cannot be copied and multiplied. Also, they’re non-fungible which basically means they are one of a kind. So, which are the most expensive ones ever sold? Before we list them, please note that the exchange rate will have highs and lows and the value may be different at different times. That being said, here are the most expensive NFTs sold so far: 

Evolution of NFTs: Culture, Utility, and Regulation

Everydays: The First 5000 Days – $69.4 million

This digital piece is an artwork by Beeple and has made headlines globally. It sold for 69.4 million dollars and even creator Mike Weinelman, a.k.a. Beeple couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the sale price. He said, “I think it probably means digital art is here to stay.”

CryptoPunk #3100 – $7.58 million

The final CryptoPunk on this list is another teal-colored alien that sold for 4200 Eth or around $7.6 million. This headbanded version was sold on the 11th of March. When CryptoPunk #3100 was last transacted in July 2017, it went for a paltry 8 Ethereum or just over $2000. One of the many attractive features of NFTs is that it gives the power back to the people in deciding what value to give an NFT. There are no middlemen like galleries and auction houses. It has opened up a whole new world for artists and buyers.

CryptoPunk #7804 – $7.57 million

Small shades, a pipe, and a forward-facing cap are the specks of the alien CryptoPunk. When this teal-colored punk sold, it set a record for the highest amount paid for a punk. Cryptoslam was first purchased in 2018 for 12 Eth. It went up for sale in February 2021 and sold for 4200 Eth.

Explained In 100 Seconds: What Are CryptoPunks?

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Crossroads – $6.6 million

Crossroads is another one of the most expensive NFTs on our list. This is another artwork from Beeple, and this sale happened just days before the massive sale of Everydays. Moreover, the artist sold this piece in Nifty Gateway. Also, this isn’t a compilation like Everyday’s, but a single piece of artwork. Therefore, the evaluation of this piece makes it even more expensive.

Jack Dorsey’s first tweet – $2.9 million

In reality, the CEO and founder Jack Dorsey tweeted the very first tweet after setting up Twitter back in 2006. The tweet read, “just setting up my Twitter.” Later on, he sold this tweet as an NFT for a massive amount of money – $2.9 million! Judging by the massive popularity of the social media platform Twitter, it is not a shocker that the very first tweet got this much attention. The CEO sold this tweet on Valuables, which is an online auction platform.