Top 5 New Bug Bounty Programs to Join if You’re into Privacy and Security Tech

Top 5 New Bug Bounty Programs to Join if You’re into Privacy and Security Tech

September 1, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
Bug bounty programs have become indispensable to the cybersecurity landscape, encouraging security researchers, ethical hackers, and white hat hackers to uncover software, websites, and systems vulnerabilities. In blockchain technology, these initiatives take on added significance, pushing the boundaries of privacy and security. This article takes a closer look at five recently launched bug bounty programs

Bug bounty programs have become indispensable to the cybersecurity landscape, encouraging security researchers, ethical hackers, and white hat hackers to uncover software, websites, and systems vulnerabilities. In blockchain technology, these initiatives take on added significance, pushing the boundaries of privacy and security. This article takes a closer look at five recently launched bug bounty programs that you absolutely can’t miss if you’re into privacy and security technologies. By participating, developers of all levels can not only upgrade their knowledge of privacy and security tech but also make the blockchain industry more secure for the users. 

1. Swisstronik Bug Bounty Program: Combining Privacy with Regulatory Compliance 

Maximum Bounty: $31,000

Project Overview

Swisstronik is an emerging identity-based L1 with a set of chain-agnostic tools that aim to let anyone build private yet regulatory-compliant dApps, easily and fast. The team believes that with the tightening crypto regulations, mass adoption will be reached only by those dApps that both comply with the law and provide the decentralization and privacy levels that users desire. Since interoperability is crucial for adoption as well, Swisstronik team built its blockchain on Cosmos SDK and made it EVM-compatible to enjoy the benefits of both ecosystems and let developers use all the familiar Ethereum tools. The privacy technologies in focus here are the Intel SGX on the hardware level with ZK-SNARKs on the software level and other privacy features to be launched in later phases of their Testnet.

Reward Pools, Bug Types, and Technologies Covered

Swisstronik Bug Bounty Program covers three bug categories for their recently launched Testnet 1.0: Intel SGX & Encryption, Blockchain Core, and Blockchain Stability & Informational Bugs. Participants have the potential to earn rewards reaching $31,000 per bug depending on their category and severity level, with even higher rewards to follow in October 2023 for the second phase of Swisstronik’s Bug Bounty program. Notably, the program stands out by disbursing most of the rewards in USDT, avoiding the native token lockup periods often seen in other bug bounties.

Who Can Participate

Participation in the Swisstronik Bug Bounty Program is open to developers proficient in diverse technologies: from blockchain core development to smart contract creation and front-end integration. Informational bugs are also rewarded in Swisstronik’s attempt to provide top-notch developer experience.


Swisstronik claims to believe in open processes to foster trust and credibility. So all submitted bug reports and rewards paid are publicly accessible on their GitHub and on the blockchain, respectively. There is also a “hall of fame” folder on their GitHub to acknowledge the achievements of those developers who don’t mind the spotlight. All participants can be assured that each stage of the bug bounty process is observable and confirmable.

2. Tusima: Redefining Privacy Finance with ZK-Rollup

Maximum Bounty: $5,000

Project Overview

Tusima emerges as a trailblazing zk-rollup-based multi-chain privacy financial network, ingeniously combining zero-knowledge proof and multi-chain interoperability. It aspires to be the cornerstone of privacy-focused financial infrastructure for the imminent Web 3.0 era. Tusima’s core principles encompass safeguarding transaction privacy and enabling seamless interaction between diverse blockchains, positioning itself as a vanguard of innovation in the blockchain domain.

Reward Pools, Bug Types, and Technologies Covered

The Tusima bug bounty program offers rewards commensurate with the potential impact of identified vulnerabilities. Following the Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System V2.2, a simplified 5-level scale is employed to assess the severity of the issues. The reward amount is determined based on evaluating the vulnerability’s potential consequences, including availability, integrity, and loss of funds. The Tusima team ensures that rewards are fairly distributed. It provides flexibility in receiving payouts in popular tokens like USDC, DAI, and others, cementing their dedication to fostering a secure blockchain landscape.

Who Can Participate

Tusima welcomes talents such as encryption enthusiasts, algorithm engineers, and research experts in encryption-related domains like federated learning, homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge proof, and more. This broad inclusivity fosters an environment valuing comprehensive testing and precise error identification as diverse contributors collectively enhance the Tusima Bounty Program.


Tusima is committed to cultivating trust and credibility through transparent procedures. All bug reports and corresponding rewards are openly available on the blockchain. Every participant can be confident in the visibility and verifiability of each step in the bug bounty process and reward accumulaion.

3. HOPR: Preserving Privacy with a Decentralized Mixnet

Maximum Bounty: $65,000

Project Overview

HOPR stands as a stalwart guardian of digital privacy, championing the cause of data protection in an era fraught with surveillance concerns. Through its innovative decentralized incentivized mixnet, HOPR provides users a robust shield against unwarranted intrusion into their online activities. With an unwavering focus on preserving data and metadata privacy, HOPR empowers individuals to regain control over their digital footprints, ensuring a safer online experience.

Rewarding Vigilance

By launching a bug bounty program, HOPR invites security researchers to join hands in maintaining the integrity of its decentralized mixnet. Those who diligently uncover and report vulnerabilities contribute significantly to the project’s overall security posture. As a token of appreciation for their vigilance, HOPR rewards participants based on the severity of the identified issues. This proactive approach strengthens HOPR’s privacy-focused ecosystem and cultivates a sense of collective responsibility among its stakeholders.

Who Can Participate

Developers, encryption enthusiasts, NFT, DeFi, DAO experts, and algorithm engineers (federated learning, homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge proof) can join, forming a collaborative ecosystem to protect Web3 interactions.


HOPR embraces a culture of openness to establish trust and credibility. All bug reports and the associated rewards are made publicly accessible on the blockchain, and a designated. Participants can be confident in the transparency and verifiability of every phase of the bug bounty process.

4. Horizen: Unveiling Privacy through Zero-Knowledge Networks

Maximum Bounty: $75,000

Project Overview

Horizen, a pioneering force in the blockchain arena, delves into the realm of zero-knowledge networks. These cutting-edge networks are fortified by an intricate node system, serving as the backbone of Horizen’s privacy-driven approach. With a firm belief in the power of customization, Horizen equips developers with the tools needed to forge bespoke blockchains within a privacy-centric framework. This innovative blend of technology and customization forms the bedrock of Horizen’s commitment to reshaping privacy paradigms in the blockchain space.

Fostering Innovation and Security

Horizen has introduced a robust bug bounty program in its relentless pursuit of innovation and security. This initiative is a testament to Horizen’s dedication to creating a resilient and fortified blockchain ecosystem. By actively inviting individuals to seek and report vulnerabilities, Horizen embraces a proactive stance in shoring up its defenses against potential threats. This collaborative effort not only ensures the integrity of Horizen’s networks but also serves as a testament to the collective commitment to a more secure and privacy-oriented blockchain landscape.

Who Can Participate

Horizen’s technological landscape covers a broad spectrum, welcoming community involvement through wallet usage and ambassadorship, empowering developers to build on a robust network, offering tailored enterprise solutions with privacy features, and facilitating service integration for third-party wallets, exchanges, crypto payments, and merchant adoption.


Horizen’s fundamental principle is centered around transparency and equity. Zen Improvement Proposals (ZenIPs) and the Horizen Community Council (HCC) embody our strategy for achieving governance that is characterized by increased transparency, cooperation, and stability.

5. Ocean Protocol: Empowering Data Value while Safeguarding Privacy

Maximum Bounty: $100,000

Project overview

Ocean Protocol emerges as a visionary force, transforming the landscape of data utilization with a distinctive emphasis on safeguarding privacy. At its core, Ocean Protocol catalyzes secure and confidential data exchange, reshaping how data owners and consumers interact. Through the ingenious Ocean Market app, participants engage in transactions that transcend mere exchange to encompass privacy preservation, ensuring data’s intrinsic value is harnessed without compromising confidentiality.

Championing Data Security

Ocean Protocol’s relentless pursuit of a secure data ecosystem unveils a robust bug bounty program. This initiative is a testament to Ocean Protocol’s commitment to data security, compelling contributors to actively identify vulnerabilities and strengthen the protective layers around invaluable data resources. The bug bounty program embodies the collaborative spirit of the Ocean Protocol community, united by a shared goal of nurturing a data landscape that champions innovation and privacy.

Technologies Covered and Eligibility

Ocean Protocol presents a cutting-edge approach to data, unlocking its potential on a massive scale. Developers adept in Ocean’s JS and Py libraries can harness next-generation tools to create and customize decentralized applications (dApps). Engaging with Ocean’s ecosystem offers opportunities to earn rewards by participating in veOcean and Data Farming, as well as collaborating in Data Challenges to unleash the full power of data science.


Ocean Protocol is dedicated to fostering trust and credibility through a commitment to transparency. Bug reports and their corresponding rewards are openly available on the blockchain, ensuring participants can have confidence in the transparency and verifiability of every stage of the bug bounty process.

Final Thoughts: Forging a Safer Blockchain Future

The bug bounty programs showcased in this article underscore the vital role of privacy and security in the blockchain industry. By encouraging collaboration between security experts and the blockchain community, these initiatives contribute to developing secure and efficient decentralized ecosystems. As developers immerse themselves in these bug bounty programs, they gain insights into cutting-edge innovations and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain technology. Through unwavering commitment and shared diligence, the blockchain community continues to pave the way for a safer and more interconnected digital future.