Top 10 Astonishing Ways Scammers Use FOMO And Misleading Code Too Fool People In Crypto World

Top 10 Astonishing Ways Scammers Use FOMO And Misleading Code Too Fool People In Crypto World

March 26, 2024 by Diana Ambolis
Scammers often leverage the psychological phenomenon known as “FOMO,” or Fear of Missing Out, as a manipulative tactic to exploit individuals’ emotions and prompt them to make hasty and uninformed decisions. FOMO is a powerful psychological trigger that plays on the fear that one might miss out on a valuable opportunity, leading people to act

Scammers often leverage the psychological phenomenon known as “FOMO,” or Fear of Missing Out, as a manipulative tactic to exploit individuals’ emotions and prompt them to make hasty and uninformed decisions. FOMO is a powerful psychological trigger that plays on the fear that one might miss out on a valuable opportunity, leading people to act impulsively without conducting thorough research or due diligence.

In the context of scams, scammers may use FOMO in various ways:

  1. Limited-Time Offers:
    • Scammers create a sense of urgency by claiming that an opportunity is available for a limited time only. This urgency triggers FOMO, compelling individuals to take immediate action without critically evaluating the offer.
  2. Exclusive Access:
    • Scammers may promise exclusive or early access to an investment, product, or opportunity, suggesting that only a select few will benefit. This exclusivity triggers FOMO as individuals fear missing out on unique advantages.
  3. False Social Proof:
    • Scammers often fabricate testimonials, social media endorsements, or success stories to create a perception of widespread interest or success. This false social proof exploits FOMO by making individuals believe that others are benefiting, and they might miss out if they don’t participate.
  4. Artificial Scarcity:
    • Scammers claim that the opportunity or product is scarce, creating the illusion of high demand. This scarcity, coupled with FOMO, prompts individuals to act quickly, fearing they may lose out if they don’t seize the opportunity immediately.
  5. Pump and Dump Schemes:
    • In the context of cryptocurrency or investment scams, scammers may artificially inflate the value of a digital asset (pump) and then sell it off at the inflated price (dump). FOMO drives people to buy during the pump, unaware that they are falling victim to a scam.

Also, read- What Are AI Crypto Scams And How Do They Work?

Rug pull scam

A rug pull scam is a deceptive practice in the cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) space where malicious actors create a seemingly legitimate project, attract investors, and then execute a sudden and coordinated exit (pulling the metaphorical rug from under investors’ feet). This results in significant financial losses for unsuspecting participants. Rug pull scams often involve the exploitation of trust, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), and the use of misleading information or code.

Key characteristics and elements of rug pull scams include:

  1. Deceptive Projects:

    • Scammers create fake or misleading projects, often promoting them as innovative blockchain ventures or tokens with high potential returns.
  2. False Promises:

    • Scammers make unrealistic promises about potential profits or unique features of the project to attract investors. These promises are designed to trigger FOMO, enticing individuals to invest hastily.
  3. Limited Information:

    • Rug pull projects may provide limited information about the team behind the project, its technology, or its development roadmap. Lack of transparency makes it difficult for investors to conduct thorough due diligence.
  4. Social Media Presence:

    • Scammers leverage social media platforms to promote their fraudulent projects. They may use fake endorsements, testimonials, or community engagement to create a false sense of legitimacy.
  5. FOMO Tactics:

    • Scammers exploit the Fear of Missing Out by creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity. They may claim that the investment opportunity is available for a limited time, encouraging investors to act quickly without conducting proper research.
  6. Hidden Exit Strategies:

    • Scammers embed hidden functionalities in the smart contract code that allow them to drain liquidity pools or execute other exit strategies once a sufficient amount of funds has been accumulated.
  7. Liquidity Pool Manipulation:

    • Rug pull scams often involve manipulation of liquidity pools within decentralized exchanges. Scammers attract liquidity from investors, and then, in a coordinated move, withdraw the funds, causing a collapse in value.
  8. Anonymous Developers:

    • Scammers often remain anonymous or use pseudonyms, making it challenging for investors to verify the credibility of the project team.


Top 10 Annoying FOMO & Misleading Code Tactics Used in Crypto Rug Pull Scams

The crypto world is brimming with innovation, but unfortunately, it also attracts scammers. Rug pulls, a malicious scheme where developers abandon a project after artificially inflating its price, are a major concern for investors. These scammers exploit fear of missing out (FOMO) and employ misleading code to deceive unsuspecting victims. Here’s how they do it:

FOMO Frenzy:

  1. Fake Hype and Celebrity Endorsements: Scammers create a buzz around their project using fake social media accounts, influencer endorsements (often impersonating real celebrities), and paid marketing campaigns. These tactics create an illusion of legitimacy and widespread interest, fueling the FOMO fire.

  2. Artificial Community Growth: Social media bots and fake accounts are used to inflate the project’s online presence. Disproportionately large Telegram groups or Twitter followings can trick investors into believing there’s a strong and engaged community behind the project.

  3. Limited Edition Offers and Countdown Timers: Scammers create a sense of urgency by offering “limited edition” tokens or setting countdown timers before a supposed price increase. This pressure tactic forces impulsive decisions, preventing investors from conducting proper due diligence.

Misleading Code Shenanigans:

  1. Hidden Sell Fees: The project’s code might be manipulated to include exorbitant fees whenever someone tries to sell their tokens. Investors see a steadily rising price, but when they try to cash out, a significant portion of their investment vanishes into thin air.

  2. Unannounced Liquidity Lock: Scammers might claim they’ve locked away liquidity (funds backing the token’s price) to instill trust. However, the code itself might not reflect this lock, allowing them to withdraw all the liquidity and crash the price.

  3. Deceptive Token Distribution: A large portion of the tokens might be allocated to the development team or anonymous wallets. This pre-allocated stash can be dumped on the market later, causing a sudden price drop and leaving investors holding worthless tokens.

  4. Disabled Sell Function: In the most brazen schemes, scammers might simply disable the sell function altogether. Investors can buy tokens, but they’ll be forever stuck, unable to cash out as the price plummets.

  5. Honey Pot Code: This sneaky trick involves writing code that allows the scammer to be the only one who can withdraw funds. Everyone else’s transactions appear to process normally, but the funds never leave the scammer’s control.

  6. Confusing Smart Contract Language: Complex and obfuscated smart contract code makes it difficult for the average investor to understand how the project actually works. This lack of transparency allows scammers to hide malicious functionalities within the code.

  7. Phony Audits and Fake Reviews: Scammers might pay for fake security audits or positive reviews from biased websites. These tactics create a false sense of security and legitimacy, lulling investors into a false sense of confidence.

Stay Vigilant, Stay Safe!

By being aware of these FOMO-fueled and code-based tricks, you can protect yourself from rug pulls. Always conduct thorough research, verify information, and avoid projects with unrealistic promises or pressure tactics. Remember, if something seems too good to be true in the crypto world, it probably is. Don’t let FOMO cloud your judgment; invest wisely and stay safe!


Advanced Rug Pull Scams by scammers and How to Spot Them

The cryptocurrency space is a breeding ground for innovation, but unfortunately, it also attracts its fair share of bad actors. Rug pulls, where developers abandon a project after artificially inflating its price, remain a major threat for investors. These scammers have become increasingly sophisticated, employing a wider range of tactics beyond the basic FOMO (fear of missing out) and misleading code tricks. Here’s a deep dive into some of the more advanced rug pull schemes and how you can identify them before they disappear with your hard-earned cash:

Sophisticated Social Engineering:

  1. Targeted Phishing Attacks: Rug pull scammers may leverage social media platforms to identify and target high-net-worth individuals or experienced crypto investors. They might use personalized messages, fake investment opportunities, or social engineering tactics to trick them into investing in their project.

  2. Discord Disinformation: Project-specific Discord servers are a breeding ground for information sharing. Scammers can infiltrate these communities, posing as helpful members or moderators. They can then spread misinformation, shill the project heavily, and discourage critical discussions to manipulate investor sentiment.

  3. Coordinated Social Media Shilling: A network of fake social media accounts, often purchased on the dark web, can be used to create a false impression of widespread community support. These accounts will relentlessly promote the project, drowning out any negative voices that might emerge.

DeFi Deceit:

  1. Honeytrap Liquidity Pools: Scammers might create fake DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols with enticing liquidity pools offering high yields. Investors lured by the prospect of quick profits deposit their funds, only to discover they cannot withdraw them later.

  2. Flash Loan Manipulation: Scammers can exploit the power of flash loans (crypto loans that must be repaid within the same block) to artificially inflate the price of a token. This sudden surge in price creates a buying frenzy, but once the flash loan is repaid, the price plummets, leaving late investors holding the bag.

  3. Exit Liquidity Scams: These scams involve creating a seemingly legitimate project with working features. However, the developers have a backdoor built into the code that allows them to withdraw a significant portion of the liquidity pool at any time. Once they do, the price collapses, and the project is abandoned.

Protecting Yourself from the Shadows:

Staying ahead of these evolving scams requires constant vigilance and a critical eye. Here are some additional tips to safeguard your crypto investments:

  • Never invest based on FOMO or social media hype alone. Conduct your own research, understand the project’s technology, and verify the team’s credentials.
  • Be wary of unrealistic promises of high returns. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Always audit the smart contract code by a reputable firm. Don’t rely on self-proclaimed audits or positive reviews from unknown sources.
  • Join the project’s community, but stay skeptical. Be cautious of overly enthusiastic cheerleaders and watch out for attempts to silence dissenting voices.
  • Invest only what you can afford to lose. The crypto market is inherently volatile, and rug pulls are a constant threat.

By staying informed, exercising caution, and conducting thorough due diligence, you can navigate the crypto landscape with a keen eye and avoid falling victim to these ever-evolving rug pull schemes. Remember, knowledge is your best weapon in the fight against crypto scams.



In conclusion, the use of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and misleading code in rug pull scams represents a dark side of the cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. Scammers leverage the psychological vulnerabilities of investors, exploiting FOMO to drive impulsive decisions and utilizing deceptive code to create an illusion of legitimacy. While scammers benefit from quick capital accumulation and hidden exit strategies, victims face significant financial losses, erosion of trust, and potential legal consequences.

The deceptive tactics employed by scammers underscore the importance of due diligence and cautious decision-making in the decentralized ecosystem. Investors must be vigilant, critically assess investment opportunities, and refrain from succumbing to the pressures of FOMO-driven urgency. Understanding smart contracts, verifying project fundamentals, and being skeptical of unrealistic promises are essential measures to mitigate the risks associated with rug pull scams.

As the cryptocurrency space evolves, regulatory scrutiny and industry efforts to enhance security and transparency play crucial roles in safeguarding investors. Education and awareness initiatives are equally vital to empower individuals with the knowledge needed to navigate the decentralized landscape responsibly. By fostering a culture of diligence and informed decision-making, the community can work towards minimizing the impact of FOMO-driven scams and contributing to the long-term sustainability and credibility of the decentralized financial ecosystem.