Various Opportunities, Limits, And Applications Of Blockchain In Gaming

Various Opportunities, Limits, And Applications Of Blockchain In Gaming

Blockchain News
January 27, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
Blockchain will change the gaming industry. Since a few years ago, blockchain-based video games have become widespread. In recent years, the gaming industry has seen a rise in the number of titles. This technology has provided enterprises with new alternatives for developing decentralized gaming apps. According to Technavio’s most recent report, the global gaming business
Various Opportunities, Limits, And Applications Of Blockchain In Gaming

Blockchain will change the gaming industry. Since a few years ago, blockchain-based video games have become widespread. In recent years, the gaming industry has seen a rise in the number of titles. This technology has provided enterprises with new alternatives for developing decentralized gaming apps. According to Technavio’s most recent report, the global gaming business will grow by $125.65 billion at a CAGR of 12.40% from 2020 to 2025. Integrating technology into gaming applications is the key driver of industry growth.

The future of Blockchain in the gaming industry, which is gaining appeal among business owners and entrepreneurs, is shown through real-world examples. The future of Blockchain in the gaming industry, which is gaining appeal among business owners and entrepreneurs, is demonstrated through real-world examples. The end of Blockchain in the gaming industry, which is gaining appeal among business owners and entrepreneurs, is demonstrated through real-world examples. To understand more about Blockchain in the gaming industry, please visit our blog, which covers various issues linked with exploring the potential and limitations of Blockchain in gaming. Let’s go deeper to gain more knowledge. However, before bringing technology to the gaming industry, let’s establish what Blockchain is and how it is used in the gaming industry.

How is Blockchain used within the gaming sector?

Blockchain is a decentralized, worldwide digital ledger that enables secure transactions and retains records. It has created a unique gaming experience for firms and players that use NFTs and cryptocurrencies to buy tradable in-game assets. Axie Infinity, for example, has millions of players worldwide who utilize Ethereum-based currency.

Role of cryptocurrency in gaming

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses encryption to safeguard, verify, and simplify transactions. It allows users to make online payments without using traditional payment methods such as credit cards or banks. Because cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular in the gaming world, they have also changed. In response to the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies in the gaming industry, cryptocurrencies have also become popular. In response to the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies in the gaming industry, cryptocurrencies have also developed.

It’s hard to argue against the fact that changing trends in the cryptocurrency industry have destroyed the gaming industry, given how quickly it has grown. Various in-game purchases, including avatars, power-ups, themes, and one-of-a-kind artifacts, may be done fast and securely using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In addition, by playing games, players may earn rewards or crypto tokens. In addition, with the rise of cryptogames and fun, the gaming industry is using blockchain technology in several ways, such as:


NFT are non-fungible coins that can trade for characters, memes, movies, and other digital commodities inside blockchain games. NFTs allow gamers to own their digital possessions legitimately. That gives consumers more control over what happens to these goods and simplifies their trade and sale by eliminating the need for a third party.

Play and earn

Blockchain enables a new type of video game called “Crypto-Games.” Crypto games differ from regular games because players can earn bitcoin or other digital currency by playing them. The virtual money in these games can be exchanged for real cash or used to buy new things inside the game. So how does this operate?

When playing a crypto game, the player receives a cryptocurrency that can use in the “real world.” The goal is to get people to keep playing by giving them a currency they can exchange for goods and services. Contests and competitions are held online.

Also read: Certain Ways Metaverse Might Influence Cryptocurrencies.

Virtual competitions and events

Global virtual tournaments have been going on for decades. They are vital to the gaming industry as a whole. Setting up teams, prize pools, and event sites takes a lot of money and time. But this method has run into problems, such as the high cost of registration, ticket prices, bandwidth, and security. Additionally, it can be challenging to verify the awards won by participants.
Blockchain technology is decentralized, allowing for monitoring and verifying network data.

According to a study by Newzoo, in-game purchases will increase income on mobile platforms by 9.6% by 2023. Therefore, technology facilitates player participation in virtual events and contests. Blockchain technology might ease this process, enabling monitoring and verifying who has earned their match or tournament prizes. Although the above methods let gamers safely get digital assets, there is no question that technology is changing the gaming industry. How? Let’s find out.

What effect does blockchain technology have on the gaming industry?

Blockchain technology has been around for a while, but it is getting more attention now because it could change many industries. In recent years, the gaming industry has seen it as the best alternative due to its benefits in several sectors.
Among the benefits contributing to the change in the gaming industry and the creation of blockchain games are:

Safe and transparent financial dealings

Blockchain is a system that can’t change, is safe, and is open to everyone. It makes digital transactions more trustworthy, so we can use it in games like NFTs, where players share sensitive information or virtual assets. It prevents double spending and other types of fraud in transaction records.

Enhanced security

Since Blockchain adds a degree of security via encryption technologies like secure messaging and two-factor authentication, it can prevent the manipulation or hacking of sensitive data such as player information, game data, and user transactions.

Improvement of the user’s experience

Blockchain technology could improve the user experience by making digital transactions and access to virtual assets faster, safer, and more precise. With gaming, users have more control over their gaming experience. This trend has shown itself in several ways, allowing users to create their characters, storylines, and even games. It also lets people download many video games from anywhere without changing how they play.


A blockchain-based gaming platform validates the legality of all transactions and interactions between parties. This assists in preventing fraud, one of the significant problems plaguing modern gaming systems. In addition to verifying transactions, organizations may utilize the Blockchain to confirm that no individual or organization has been paid twice for the same service or goods since each transaction is recorded.

Exchange of assets

Players may trade their items for currency or other resources. Because Blockchain keeps track of who owns each item, users can buy and sell things without worrying that they will be stolen or copied. It also allows users to sell and buy virtual products from other players.

Obtaining benefits

Gamers may obtain digital currency as a reward for fulfilling tasks and goals. In traditional games, players get points that have no monetary value outside of the game. However, with blockchain-based games, children may earn cryptocurrency that they can use to buy goods from other players or on e-commerce platforms.

Integrated generation of gaming profiles

Since blockchain games are the newest fad, it is possible to build a centralized community where players can access various games. It lets people use the same account on multiple platforms, which improves their user experience and makes it easier to play games and buy things. Compared to traditional gaming, blockchain-based games now dominate the gaming industry. There are several benefits to using blockchain technology in gaming, but also some negatives.

Gaming limitations of Blockchain technology

But the arrival of technology has given businesses not only new chances but also new problems, such as:


The difficulty of crypto games lies not in their stories but in their gameplay. Make a user account to play a game, which is a straightforward process. The user must next, depending on the kind of blockchain game, establish a cryptocurrency wallet and buy a certain amount of cryptocurrency, which is a complex operation.

Compliance burdens

Regulatory agencies are still working to fathom how cryptocurrencies like MANA, Theta, and others function and whether or not we should use them in blockchain-based gaming.


The gaming industry is very competitive, with new games and platforms being introduced often. That may make it difficult for blockchain-based games to compete against traditional games. The industry has created numerous blockchain-based video games. Now that you know chains’ benefits and limitations, we’ll provide specific examples of the most significant games.

Actual Blockchain game examples

The following are among the most popular blockchain-based games on the market out of the hundreds available:


The game was published in November 2017, making it one of the first attempts to create a blockchain-based game. It is now among the most popular Ethereum-based games. The game’s goal is to make a new generation of kittens with unique traits that will increase their value. The genes that make up a cat’s hair pattern, eye shape, mouth shape, and base color also make up its personality. Players can sell their pets on the open market or stockpile them until they become lucrative.


Decentraland is a virtual reality platform that uses technology to build a decentralized virtual world. Users may generate, consume, and monetize content and applications on the forum. In the virtual world of Decentraland, people can walk around, look around, and buy other users’ things. They can also pay to play games, go on space adventures, join organizations, and try any different experience builders worldwide have thought of.

Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained is a collectible card game that uses Ethereum to track card ownership. God’s Unchained Cards are digital assets that cannot be duplicated or altered without the owner’s permission. The Ethereum blockchain protects The Gods Unchained cards from cyber criminals when traded directly between players, circumventing the game’s marketplace.

The Covenant

The Last Will is a blockchain-based game in which users may inherit digital goods from other players. The game is built on the Ethereum blockchain, and lets players make wills, set up trusts, and pick executors.


Several blockchain applications in the gaming sector have been discussed. FIFAcoins4Sale is an online marketplace where users may purchase and sell FIFA-related merchandise. The decentralized market on the website lets users buy FIFA coins without worrying about fraud or trickery. The Blockchain and the gaming industry function in unison by boosting the user experience, making transactions more secure and transparent, and introducing new means for storing digital assets.

Future of Blockchain in the gaming industry

The future of Blockchain in the gaming industry is optimistic. As more companies research blockchain technology, we may predict a rise in the number of games and platforms that use Blockchain in the future. The CEO of Quantum Economics thinks that cryptocurrency is the gaming industry’s future. The games we play will reflect the actual world more closely, and in-game objects will have real-world value. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in Blockchain now to reap its future benefits.

In addition, as the technology continues to develop and become more widespread, we may expect future features and applications for Blockchain in the game industry, such as faster and more secure transactions, decentralized platforms for virtual worlds, and new digital assets. The social aspect of gaming is also becoming more important as the gaming community grows. According to a recent survey conducted by Accenture, 84% of respondents say that video games help them connect with individuals who share their interests. 75%, on the other hand, say that they do most of their socializing on gaming platforms rather than in person or over the phone.

How might Appinventiv help?

The gaming industry is becoming more reliant on technology, which is essential to meet technological requirements. Blockchain is great for keeping records of financial transactions because it lets you access network data in real-time and has built-in security features.

Appinventiv offers blockchain development services that help your gaming firm reach greater heights. Our team of experts has an in-depth understanding of blockchain technology and can help you design and learn more about blockchain games that will excite and engage your players.