Vitalik Buterin has published a roadmap for Ethereum 2.0 called ‘endgame’

Vitalik Buterin has published a roadmap for Ethereum 2.0 called ‘endgame’

Cryptocurrency News
July 14, 2022 by Editor's Desk
The roadmap aims to highlight what Ethereum plans to do shortly and provide more insight on how they will be progressing from now. Vitalik Buterin has proposed how Ethereum could be upgraded to Eth2. This would increase security, scalability, and stability, just a few advantages. And the benefits are not limited to Ethereum users –
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The roadmap aims to highlight what Ethereum plans to do shortly and provide more insight on how they will be progressing from now.

Vitalik Buterin has proposed how Ethereum could be upgraded to Eth2. This would increase security, scalability, and stability, just a few advantages. And the benefits are not limited to Ethereum users – this upgrade would have implications for the entire internet infrastructure.

Ethereum creator Vitalik argues that big blockchains can maintain a high level of trust even if they have many transactions per second. The apparent trade-off for this scalability level is block production’s centralization. However, Ethereum’s solutions, as shown in the blog post, do not address this issue and still provide a roadmap for implementation.

One of the solutions Buterin suggested to solve the security issues was a “second tier of staking” that would require minimal resource requirements. Another solution would be introducing “either fraud-proof or ZK-SNARKS,” which allows users to check for authenticity.

These updates mean that the blockchain will be less centralized – meaning there won’t just be one person looking after it. Furthermore, if someone tries to tamper with it, they’ll be prevented by its anti-censorship magic.

Buterin has since clarified how ‘rollups’ will not affect the centralization of Ethereum, with Buterin describing that rollups are to act outside the main blockchain.

“All the major Ethereum transaction networks have a similar speed of a few hundred transactions per second,” said EVM inventor Vitalik Buterin. It may be hard to resist the temptation of making big profits faster by selling off smaller pieces of your business because you can extract more money from them. However, this kind of “rollup” behavior can ultimately compromise decentralization in the long run. The MEV calculates how much value a given block of Ethereum could have produced if it were mined with the lowest possible cost of production.

The Ethereum co-founder thinks that block production will eventually become centralized, despite the network’s path to scalability. The benefits of Ethereum’s rollup roadmap are that it is open to all future features, and there can be a level playing field for network upkeep.

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