Welcome To The New Age Of Cloud Computing With ANKR

Welcome To The New Age Of Cloud Computing With ANKR

Blockchain News
September 27, 2019 by Editor's Desk
A cloud-based blockchain infrastructure for business applications is what Ankr Network is. Ankr is the first company to leverage both blockchain and hardware for cloud and data security purposes.  The CEO and co-founder of Ankr Network, Chandler Song was caught in a deep thought on how paintings could be tokenized using blockchain when he visited the

A cloud-based blockchain infrastructure for business applications is what Ankr Network is. Ankr is the first company to leverage both blockchain and hardware for cloud and data security purposes. 

The CEO and co-founder of Ankr Network, Chandler Song was caught in a deep thought on how paintings could be tokenized using blockchain when he visited the New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art. This made him realize how fast the world has changed and how every other industry today is a part of the digital world. 

He was a computer science student at UC Berkeley and had keen interest in knowing what blockchain is all about and the ways in which it could potentially shape the world. He believed that technology still had to reach far and wide and be made proper use of. He wanted to look what was beyond the set boundaries for blockchain’s capacity and utilize it the way it should be. 

While working as an intern at Amazon in New York, he was mentored by Stanley who was one of the engineers who designed the AWS EC2 instance back in 2007. They used to have conversations over technical and financial barriers to supercomputing.

Once after their working hours Song showed Stanley a paper that one of his friends from middle school, who is now a PhD student in cybersecurity at Cornell — had written on Proof of Useful Work. 

This idea caught their attention and how this could help be brought into practicality to help the creation of a truly distributed cloud computing platform was what they were working on. This idea was later shared by them with Professor David Anderson, the founder of Berkeley BOINC. He helped them realize that it was important for them to improve their engineering with human experience by including incentive schemes for participants to contribute to the network. 

The security mistakes like the single-node approach of blockchain technologies were brought to light to them by Professor Anderson. He later was a part of the advisory board. His expertise has helped them build the use case for Ankr which applies Intel SGX to for user data security. 

Finally, Ankr was ready to be introduced to the world that was primarily dominated by tech giants like Google, Alibaba, and Amazon. Song believes that this is a monopoly system that we are a part of and that acts as a barrier to the future which he says, is cloud computing.  

Researchers, students, and startups must have a cost-friendly cloud computing which is decentralized. With Ankr, the team aims to create some kind of social impact. A global platform that is beneficial for all and where the original Bitcoin principles can be utilized. 

The co-founder and COO of Ankr, Ryan and Song take pride in what they have been able to establish. The idea which was once only a dream is now a reality because of their team’s constant efforts. Song says that the whole team of Ankr shares the same trust like the one that he shares with Ryan.

Both Ryan and Song have worked towards making a pleasant environment for the team and making them feel at home while working. This has made it possible for them to achieve a strong team with excellent chemistry. Ankr’s CTO has worked for Amazon for over 10 years, and has shared his expertise in the field of distributed cloud computing. Two of their security engineers who are longtime ethical hackers, have both worked at Palo Alto Networks and Gigamon. 

The co-founder, Ryan himself has abundance of knowledge that he has build over time with his experience in investment banking. Team Ankr is in for the long run and to help change the world, their way. 

Their team has one goal in mind: making the blockchain token model accessible, and decentralized cloud computing an everyday reality.

“This team is focused on making something practical for people to use immediately. So we’re trying to connect with existing businesses in the world and making partnerships along the way. We’ll announce those names pretty soon. And one day in the near future, we hope that you’ll see everyday people, turn on their computer at night, open Ankr, and let their CPUs compute for Useful Work while they sleep”, Song concluded.

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