What Is Crypto Market Correction? How Is It Different From Bear Market?

What Is Crypto Market Correction? How Is It Different From Bear Market?

September 22, 2023 by Diana Ambolis
A market correction is a brief price decline after a price rise has been too rapid. When a market is overbought or overvalued, a market correction occurs, characterized by a sudden but brief decrease in price. To put it another way, a “pullback” from recent highs enables the market to absorb gains and reset for
5 Tips On How To Survive In The Crypto Bear Market

A market correction is a brief price decline after a price rise has been too rapid.

When a market is overbought or overvalued, a market correction occurs, characterized by a sudden but brief decrease in price. To put it another way, a “pullback” from recent highs enables the market to absorb gains and reset for a subsequent upward leg.

A market correction is typically considered a fall of 10% or more in the market following a recent peak. Some fixes result in a 3 percent decrease, while others can result in a 20 percent decrease. 5–10% market corrections are more typical in the cryptocurrency market. The 10% threshold, meanwhile, is not an unbreakable law.

As investors get overconfident and drive asset values excessively high, corrections nearly always happen while the economy expands. This creates the conditions for a “reversion to the mean” as modifications bring prices back to more reasonable levels.

How frequently do market correnctions occur?

Since the cryptocurrency market is more volatile than the stock market, price corrections tend to happen more frequently. Stock market corrections typically take place every two years.

Corrections in the cryptocurrency market do not have a set schedule. As a result, price adjustments may occur within days, weeks, or months. On occasion, market corrections for cryptocurrencies might take place in a matter of hours.

Numerous factors influence cryptocurrency values, adding to the market’s overall volatility. Consequently, it may be challenging to determine the precise period of a market downturn.


  1. What triggers market corrections in cryptocurrencies?

A market correction in cryptocurrencies may occur for several reasons, including overly optimistic investors, ambiguous regulatory conditions, or market-wide sell-offs.

Among the most frequent triggers are:

Excessive speculating and investor euphoria: When investors become overly enthusiastic about a particular asset, they tend to drive prices up too quickly, which can lead to an unsustainable bubble that bursts and triggers a market correction.

Fear of missing out (FOMO): When investors notice prices increasing quickly, they might purchase without adequate research. This could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy where prices rise merely because more people buy.

Hacking of exchanges: If a significant business is compromised and investors lose a sizable sum of money, it may cause a sell-off and correction in the entire market.

Uncertainty over regulations: Cryptocurrency sell-offs and corrections are possible whenever there is uncertainty around regulations. For instance, values plummeted after China declared in 2017 that it would crack down on cryptocurrencies.

What does a crypto pullback mean?

Pullbacks are brief pauses or reversals in the overall value trend of an asset, which is a little different from corrections.

In the cryptocurrency market, pullbacks can occur numerous times during both uptrends and downtrends. Pullbacks are typically regarded as a positive component of the market cycle since they provide the market a chance to reset and digest gains (or losses) before going higher (or lower).

Cryptocurrency pullbacks signify a quick reversal in which the asset’s value will only temporarily halt, increase, or fall before returning to its prior behavior.

  1. What does a crypto bear market entail?

A prolonged period of a price decline typically accompanied by widespread pessimism is known as a bear market.

Prices must decline by at least 20% from recent highs for a market to be deemed a bear market. This number is flexible and subject to change based on market conditions, just like market corrections. Put another way, it resembles a market correction but lasts much longer.

Bear markets often develop when there is an economic recession or a stock market crash, as opposed to market corrections, which occur during periods of economic expansion. Any variables that lead to a market correction can also generate a bear market in cryptocurrencies. However, they can also be brought on by other things, such as natural calamity or political unrest.

Can a bear market continue for a while?

The length of a bear market might differ significantly. Bear markets can endure for years or simply a few months.

Between 1947 and 2022, there were 14 bear markets in the US. According to Investopedia, the typical duration of a bear market might be anything between one month and 1.7 years.

Globally, bear markets typically endure ten months on average, give or take. Bear markets have, however, occasionally lasted for a considerable amount longer. The “Crypto Winter” slump, for instance, which occurred from 2013 to 2015, lasted 415 days, or just over a year.

  1. What to do if the price of bitcoin falls?

In a down market, is it possible to profit? Yes, it is the answer. There are tactics for investing in a bear market, just as there are ways for investing in a bull market (a period of rising prices).

Several typical tactics include:

Investors that engage in short-selling do so in the hopes of repurchasing the asset at a lower price and profiting from the difference. However, there is no assurance that the asset’s price will decline as predicted; therefore, shorting might be dangerous.

Purchasing put options allows investors to sell an asset at a given price within a specified term. The investor can profit from the difference if the asset’s price drops below the strike price.

Acquiring assets at a lower price: Investing is generally a long-term endeavor. Along the journey, there will be ups and downs, but bear markets offer a chance to purchase assets at a loss.

Researching: It’s more crucial than ever to conduct extensive research on an asset before investing when prices plummet. When prices decline, there will be many chances to purchase assets at a discount. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that not all assets are created equally, as it has always been. Some carry much greater danger than others.

Portfolio diversification: One of the easiest methods to survive a bear market is to spread your assets throughout various asset types. In this approach, if one asset class suffers, it won’t significantly affect your portfolio as a whole.

5. How to navigate bear markets and market corrections?

There is no need to freak out when bear markets or market corrections occur because they are a regular part of the investing process. You’ll find it simpler to deal with them when they arise once you understand how they differ from one another.

Maintaining a long-term perspective and being consistent with your investment approach are the best ways to navigate a bad market. Additionally, tactics like shorting stocks and purchasing put options might help you profit from a declining market if you’re feeling very cautious.

Most price decreases during economic growth will be brief pullbacks or corrections. The key is to continue holding onto your cryptocurrency investments amid such corrections. When the economy is growing, primary trends are likely to be optimistic, and prices will typically follow by finally reaching new highs. Similar to equities, cryptocurrency values seldom ever move continuously in a straight line up or down. Rallies are probably followed by periods of consolidation, during which prices move slowly in either direction or by market corrections.

Out of the two, bear markets are more likely to wipe out your investment portfolio. Therefore, developing the ability to recognize one before it occurs is critical. Always start by assessing the state of the economy so you’ll know how to respond when prices begin to drop.

The best course of action if you’re unsure whether the market is in a bear market is to stay diversified and stick to your investing plan. You’ll be less likely to lose everything even if the market crashes if you maintain your diversification. Additionally, by sticking to your investing strategy, regardless of the state of the market, you’ll know when to purchase and sell.

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  1. Bear market versus market correction

Bear markets and market corrections might be frightening, but remember that they are common occurrences in a robust economy. You’ll be able to traverse them more effectively if you can learn to distinguish between the two. Here are a few of the most significant variations between the two to sum:

Markets often bounce back from corrections within a couple of months, which is faster than the average recovery time. Bear markets, however, have a more substantial negative impact on calls because of their lengthier duration and more significant price declines. As a result, it may take several months to several years to recover from a recent down market.